Chapter 3

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     Kaz and I get out of the car and walk into the house through the side door. The room is well lit and inviting with light sandy couches to match along with yellow throw pillows. The house is surrounded by a dark forest that seems to stretch out for miles. "I'm not gonna lie to you Kaz, but this house seems pretty weird if you wanted to keep me safe. I'm not really good with my sense of direction and these woods look like they never end." I tell him honestly as I take a seat on the counter and look around. "I know but it's secluded which means that people will have a hard time trying to find someone to kidnap out here," Kaz says as he stands in front of me and pulls something out of his pocket. 

     "I got you something. I know that you're not into flashy gifts but I like this on you." Kaz says as he pulls out a tiny box from his pocket. He hands it to me and I open it to reveal a beautiful necklace. The chain is a bright silver and the pendant is about the size of a dime and it had my initials on the front as well as Kaz's. "Kaz...this is truly beautiful. Thank you so much," I say sincerely as I wrap my arms around his neck and hug him tightly. He wraps his arms around my waist and hugs me back before he pulls away to look at me with a bright smile. "Can I put it on you?" He asks and I nod my head excitedly. "Yes!" I exclaim in pure happiness before I turn around with my back facing him. 

     Kaz unlatches the chain and puts it around my neck before he kisses it softly. "Will you make me a promise to keep it on at all times? Please? It'll make me feel a little bit better if I know that you're wearing it." He says and I nod my head with a smile. "Of course I will. This is beautiful." I tell him and he smiles as I kiss his cheek. "So what do you want to do for the rest of today?" He asks as he stares at my lips and I smile while blushing. "I wanna go out and get something to eat before we go to the beach," I say and he groans out as he throws his head back. "You still wanna go and do that?" He asks in a bored tone of voice and I nod my head. "Yes and I'm going with or without you," I tell him with an air of defiance. He groans louder and nods his head. "Alright. Well, do you wanna get dressed or go ahead and go out?" He asks and I smile as I hop off of the counter. 

     "I'm gonna go take a shower and get dressed first. Do you know where the bedroom is?" I ask as I stand in the hallway. Kaz grabs our bags and nods his head before he starts to walk. "Sure, follow me." He says and I follow him to the end of the hall before he stops and nods his head towards the pull apart doors. "Just pull them open. That's our room." He says and I pull the doors open before walking into the room. The room's well lit due to natural sunlight that slowly floods the room from the patio doors. Everything in the room is bathed in a light cream color, from the walls to the blankets and extra pillows. "If you think this view is good, wait until you see the bathroom." He says as he sets our bags down at the foot of our bed. 

     I unzip my suitcase and pull out a light blue sundress and a pair of underwear. I walk into the bathroom and marvel at all of the marble. The entire sink is marble, along with the walk-in shower and enormous bathtub. "Kaz!" I call out as I turn on the warm water to the bathtub. "Yes, baby girl?" He asks as he peeks his head in. "I'm in love with this house. I'm almost one hundred percent (100%) sure that I never wanna leave." I say with a joyful smile on my face as I wait for my bath water to fill the tub. "Well we can definitely make sure to visit every now and then, but I do have a business to run that's in the United States. So living here isn't exactly an option, but it could be a good place to retire. How do you like the sound of that?" He asks as he sits on the marble sink counter. 

     "I really like the sound of that." I voice with a smile and he smiles back. "Great! How about we go shopping tomorrow?" He suggests and I beam with joy. "I'd love to! What are we going to look for exactly?" I inquire as my tub finishes filling up. "Nothing in particular, but there's a shop that I want you to look at while we're in town." He pronounces with a sly smirk and a hopeful smile. "Well, we can talk about this later because I'm going to take a bath," I tell him as I playfully start to push him out of the bathroom. "So what you're saying is that I can't join you? That's not fair." He expresses in a cheeky tone and I roll my eyes and close the door behind him. "It doesn't matter if it's fair to you or not. You already know that you'll be getting me one way or another later." I vocalize with a snicker of delight before I get into the tub. 

     After I finish taking my bath, I quickly get dressed and leave the bathroom. "It's nice to see that you're finally done," Kaz says as his eyes graze over me. "I wasn't in there for long," I reply defensively as I slip on a pair of shoes. "That may be true, but not seeing you for that long isn't something that I'm exactly over the moon about." He says honestly and I blush lightly as I watch him get up from our shared bed and walk over to me. "Let me get dressed then we can go," I reply as he wraps his arms around my waist. "How about we stay here, huh? The bed's all warm and we've got nothing to do." Kaz suggests as he lays me down on the bed and starts to kiss the side of my neck. I relax into his soft kisses and moan out softly. "Fine, but we're going to the beach when I wake up," I reply as I grab the sides of his face and kiss him softly. He smiles as he lays on top of me. "Yes, ma'am." He replies and I giggle in response. 

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