Part 2: Manifesting Abundance/ Goal Setting

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Abundance is your birthright. It is attracting what you desire.  You are already equipped with all of the "tools" of abundance, it's just a matter of bringing that closer to you.

    Abundance can be obtained through manifestation. Manifesting is an important part in attracting the things or qualities you desire in your life. Your manifestations have a connection between your spirit and your outer environment. It's the transition from thought to reality. Manifestation is the conscious effort to know you want it, what you want it for, and how you will get it, It's not just ask → have.

    Manifesting can be done through writing, verbal efforts, visualization, conversation and belief. Belief is one of the essential qualities in manifestation.

What brings you in alignment with what you desire are the events that happen in order to lead you to your outcome.

Say, you are manifesting a brand new car. Manifestation can unfold like this; You write down everything about your new car. The year, the make/model, the air freshener you desire, what it would feel like walking up to your new car, etc. then all of a sudden...

You meet someone at the grocery store

They casually tell you about a job offer

You apply and get hired

This job allows you to make more money than you were before

You save more money than before

= you are now able to buy the new car you desire.

Every situation won't happen like this but I am getting you to notice how the unfolding of those events lead to the desired manifestation.

A more practical, but very effective way of reaching your desired outcome is to set goals. When setting goals, set both long term and short term goals. The importance of short term goals is that it allows us to invite more celebration. We start to appreciate what we accomplish more, it creates more chances for us to congratulate ourselves for the "smaller wins". An example of a short term goal is to read a book in 30 days. All it takes is some dedication and a few hours of reading time daily, then voila- a goal to meet that isn't hard to achieve.

Long term goals are the larger things in life we aim to achieve. Goals such as; Reading 15 books in one year or becoming a millionaire in 5 years. These are the wins that take a bit more time than 30 days! Long term goals take a longer time to unfold that is why we work on it consistently. But, whether you're reading a book in 30 days or manifesting becoming a millionaire, you are being pushed to accomplish it.

     How does manifesting/ setting goals turn from a thought to your reality? 

Practice Gratitude. When you practice being more grateful, God, The Universe, Source, will know that you are grateful for what you have so you make room for more. You are significantly blessed more often when you are grateful because you show appreciation for many things.

Realize your Potential. You are deserving of attracting abundance. Your manifestations should expand you!

Dream it. The purpose of visualization is to promote the feeling. When we feel the happiness it would bring to attract joy, to hold money, to attract love, we bring ourselves 1 step closer to receiving. You are being responded to by the frequency you are putting out there.

Release the past. Are your past thoughts keeping you from believing in yourself or the things you want? Let those conditions go. When you release the thoughts that are suppressing you, you become no longer suppressed. Your perspective is opened to what you can achieve instead of what you think you can't achieve.

Write down (or type) the things you want on a piece of paper. As you're writing/ typing it, feel yourself having it already. Imagine the facial expression you will have once you receive money, that new opportunity, a love offer, more clarity, etc. This way you are already training yourself to receive. You are embodying a state of receiving.

Release control over the outcome. Blessings show up to us in many different ways, if we are controlling exactly the way we want a situation to happen we get side-tracked from what it is we actually desire. Your arms are not open to receiving if they are too busy controlling other factors that are out of your control.

Trust that you are being divinely guided and the path that is being revealed to you is one that you are working on bettering.

When you attract, your energy is bringing something closer to you. The position in life you wish to be is already sitting there waiting for you to step into alignment with it. The money is already ready to be received by you. Love is ready to be embraced by and through you.

Ex 1: Love- love is a beautiful factor in abundance. We can't stay in a state of just wanting this thing, this feeling. We must embody it first, this is how the energy gains momentum and you start to manifest into your reality. If you're looking for more love, love others. Easier said than done but you must put energy into actively being what it is you are trying to attract.

Let's be very clear- Do not give only to expect in return. That is not love, and when you do this, you stay in a loop of not receiving that true feeling you're trying to achieve  because you aren't giving it truthfully yourself. We don't want our intentions to back track on us!

Questions to think about/Journal while setting goals and manifesting

Are the goals I set  for the betterment of yourself or for the comfortability of others?

Do my goals bring me closer to what I love? Do they cause me to take a risk?

Why am I manifesting [what it is you're manifesting]?

Am I in the right headspace to receive?

Have I made it clear to myself what it is I want?

Is my belief matching my desire to have?

Am I actively working toward my goal or manifestation?

How much time do I spend working on achieving my outcome?

Are my manifestations a reflection of who I'm trying to become?

Manifest and watch your desires unfold.

Thank you so much for catching up on Part 2: Manifesting abundance/Goal Setting! You are a powerful co-creator in your life. You have the ability to make things happen by putting your energy into it and once momentum picks up, the rest is already being handled. Nothing is off limits- If you believe you deserve it.

Happy Healing!

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