chapter 8

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As soon as James came out of his office, Lily bombarded him with questions.

"Dad how can you do this? You cannot just ground us for three days. I mean three whole days! Do you know how long that is! Plus it's not like we committed a sin or something!" Lily continued her ramble while Rose chose to have her breakfast instead of listening to her blabbering. James joined them at the breakfast table.

"First of all I grounded only you because I know Rose was not involved in the stunt if it wasn't for you, secondly remember to knock before you barge into my office." James sighed at earlier situation.

"Dad it's not the first time I did that. By the way who were they anyway?" Lily asked curiously remembering those grey eyes. This question caught Rose's attention as well and she looked up from her bowl of cereal, waiting for her dad to reply.

"They were my best friend's sons," James replied after sipping his tea.
"You mean David? Didn't you work for him?" Rose asked now getting a little suspicious of the whole situation.

James nodded, "yeah I did."

"Is everything alright? Why would they come here?" Lily raised her eyebrow. She knew her father wouldn't invite anyone over unless it was extremely important.

"They just came to pay a visit. Nothing serious," James lied. He didn't want his daughters to worry about anything. Both of them seemed suspicious but nodded anyway.

"Are you interested in accompanying me to a party?" James asked all of a sudden. He was invited by Vincenzo and Dante, along with his daughters because those men were getting impatient to see the girls again.

"You want us to go as your date?" Lily laughed hysterically.

"I thought it could be considered as an outing for you both. Also since someone continuously blames me for not letting her go outside that often," he gave a pointed look to Lily.

"Why sure! We would love to be your date dad," Lily spoke with a fake accent.
All the while Rose was aware there was something more to this outing. Something her father was hiding from them again, to protect them but she did not like this.

"When is it?" Rose asked with a serious face.

"Tomorrow at 8."

It was finally the time to leave for the party. Rose and Lily wore beautiful gowns. It was the same design except the different colors. Rose's gown was a soft pink while Lily's was a metallic grey. They both looked beautiful as ever.

Silence enveloped everyone the moment they both were on the top of the stairs that led down to the hall where the whole party was taking place. People were too busy looking at the two beautiful ladies standing on the top of the staircase. Men were looking at them with their jaws dropped whereas the girls were giving them jealous looks because of their beauty.

Dante was roaming in the hall waiting for a certain someone to make her entrance but it was taking longer than he thought. He was getting impatient. He saw James was already in the hall and his eyes searched in hopes to find Rose but failed. He then decided to walk up to James and start a small conversation with him.

On the other hand, Vincenzo had taken extra time to get ready for this party and ran his eyes over the mirror thrice before leaving. He wanted to make sure that he looked the best today.

The party was going great so far, everyone was having a good time chatting around when all of a sudden the whole room went quiet. This immediately had Vincenzo and Dante's head snap towards the staircase and they stopped breathing at the sight in front of them. The beauties stood in their glory and once again managed to steal everyone's attention with just their appearance.

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