chapter 15

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Lily woke up to the sun beams striking her face lightly, when she was pulled further into someone's arms. She desperately wanted to use the bathroom or her bladder would betray her. She tried squirming to escape the hard grip, but it only tightened.
"Vincenzo," she groaned out. He hummed lightly asking her what's wrong.

"I really need to go to the bathroom," he loosened his grip after sighing. Lily rushed to the bathroom and did her business, proceeding towards washing her face. Exactly at that moment the door to the bathroom opened revealing a very sexy Vincenzo with all his ruffled hair. He went straight to Lily, scooped her in his arms and set her in the bath tub after filling it with water and dropping a bath bomb in it. He took his place behind her and gave Lily and nice warm bath. He massaged her hair. His hands then went to rub her body, slowly moving towards her intimate areas as she let out a moan. Soon it all got heated and the events from last night repeated. There was only one thing in Vincenzo's mind. He couldn't get enough of his Queen.

James was in his office, missing his daughters dearly. But he knew that they were better off with the boys for now. He couldn't help but think that whoever managed to hack into the party's security system that night was indeed good because they managed to crack James' own code. But that person was stupid enough to leave back traces. And with that James was able to hack into his computer. But what he was shocked about that the laptop was owned by Vincenzo's gang. And the location too was from his own warehouse. This could only mean one thing. They definitely had someone working for the enemy.

He immediately rung Vincenzo up and gave him all the details.

The dots connected. As soon as James told Vincenzo every detail of the laptop and its connection, only one person's name clicked Vincenzo's mind. The person who had been coming in and out of his office quite a lot lately. The person who had been acting a little too friendly with him. The person who's life Vincenzo saved at one point. And the person who was currently not where he was supposed to be.

He called one of his men to his office.
"Where did Ben say he was going?" Vincenzo asked gruffly.

"Sir he didn't inform us. He said it was a family emergency," Vincenzo nodded before telling him to leave.

"You can't hide Ben," he mumbled.

James was racking his brain to come to a conclusion as to how to get leads to Derek's son. The problem was that they didn't know his name or face. He continued sipping his coffee when suddenly he felt the curtain in the corner of his room move. His head whipped to it as he got up from his bed and made his way towards it. Not before pulling his gun out. He instantly pushed the curtain aside but what shocked to see no one behind it.

But that was short-lived as someone smacked a wooden rod on his head. James groaned in pain as his hand shot up to cover the spot which was now blazing with pain. He immediately shot the person in the leg as he tried to recover from the pain. He thanked God he didn't hit a pressure point otherwise he would have fainted. The person collapsed on the floor. He then shot him on his shoulder and noticed that he was wearing a mask to cover his face. The person was now on the floor, howling in pain when James stepped forward and roughly pulled his mask away, only to be left shocked.

"Ben?" He raised his eyebrow. Everything clicked to him and he figured what was happening. He shook his head in disbelief before spitting out, "After everything he did for you, this is how you repay him?" But Ben only glared at him, still groaning in pain.

James bent to his level and whispered closely to him, "You knew the rules Ben. There's no room for traitors," and with that he smacked his head with his gun before leaving him to pass out. "I've got a surprise for you" he told the person on his phone, before hanging up and putting his phone back.

Vincenzo and Dante were now staring at an unconscious Ben. Vincenzo smirked before telling his men to take him away to his torture room. Thought he could run away huh?

"You did a good job James!" He spoke turning towards him. "You made my job a lot easier."

But their conversation was cut short when gunshots were fired. The window to James's bedroom broke and the men ducked down before pulling out their guns. Dante was the only one who pulled out daggers in both his arm before swinging them in the air.

Soon some men dressed in black, carrying guns broke into the house. Vincenzo, Dante and James were surrounded by them and everyone in the room had their guns pointed at each other. But before anyone could react, Dante had already swung the two daggers aiming at two of the enemies and it struck their throat, that's when the firing began. Five bullets went off from Vincenzo's gun which found their way right into the aim. In the forehead of those bastards. James took down two men while Dante was busy plunging his daggers into anyone he could find. He gracefully swung the knife at the last person standing before retrieving it from his skin.
Ten dead bodies later, the room was enveloped in silence.
"Is that everyone?" Vincenzo asked.
"I guess," Dante replied.

"Dante, I think you got a scratch," James pointed towards Dante's sleeve which had a blotch of red blood. He slightly moved his sleeve to the side, to see a glass stuck in his arm.
"The glass might have pierced through when the window broke," he replied. He was so busy fighting that he didn't even realize it. He was chill as he had been through worse during his training days. This pain was nothing for him. Vincenzo nodded before calling up some men to clean up the apartment and take care of the bodies.

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