👑🐛Chapter Seven🐛👑

Start from the beginning

"What do you need Ethari?" The brown-haired boy asked.

"It's Rayla," Ethari said before leaving, Callum following. 

Soren, Ellis, and Ezran looked at each other with questioning looks. 

"What is going on," they all asked each other.

"Ethari, what's up?" the brown-haired asked.

"It's Rayla," Ethari responded.

The brown-haired boy looked at the white-haired elf.

"What's wrong with Rayla?" Callum asked.

"You'll see."


"Rayla? Will you tell us now?" Ethari asked calmly.

"S-sure," the white-haired girl said. 

"T-this flower...it...um can... give..." Rayla started once more getting more words out this time.

"It's okay. We can talk about it later Rayla. Runaan and I are going to go to the village to go get some supplies. We'll be back soon.  When it gets dark stay here and don't go out!" Ethari said before getting on Zym with Runaan. 

"Okay, Ethari!" Callum yelled as Zym flew away.

Soren, Ellis, and Ezran ran over to the couple. 

"Are you two okay?" Ellis asked.

"Yeah, we're fine," Rayla said whipping away a tear that had just fallen. 

"Are you sure?" Soren asked. 

"Yeah, we're fine. We should build a fire. And find something to eat. I'm sure I still have moonberry juice if you guys want some," Rayla said. 

Later that night you could hear snoring and rustling leaves. You could see flaming white hair and brown hair next to it.

Rayla and Callum were sneaking out to visit the magical flower.

"Callum, thank you for coming out again to visit the flower while Runaan and Ethari are still out," Rayla says quietly to Callum.

"Yeah, I just want to see if this will work. I mean the flower probably just wants something.

A/N: The flower dies after giving up a wish and moves and regrows in a different location that's special to them. It's their flower. Soo...

"Flower?" The brown-haired boy asked.

"What do you want?!" The flower yelled.

"We still want you to grant our wish," Rayla said.

"I said No!" the flower replied.

"Do you want something? Do you want me to prove myself?" Callum asked.

"Do I want something? No. I want you to tell me why you used dark magic!" The flower said loudly.

"Okay. I used dark magic to free a dragon."

"So I heard."

"You knew about that?" The brown-haired boy asked.

"Yes, from that dragon. And I also know that you learned to fly and use magic. Ibis told me. And I need you to prove it to me." the flower said.

"Okay," the brown-haired boy replied.

"I want you to perform the lighting spell into the sky."

"Callum no! It'll-" Rayla started before Callum cut her off.

"Rayla, this is for us. Our future!" Callum reasoned.

"Okay. Just be careful. You don't want to hit a dragon."

"Okay Rayla," Callum said as he laid down and drew the rune, "Fulminis!"

Lighting shot into the sky.

"So... Ibis was right. You can use magic without killing an animal. So now I will grant you your wish. Come find me and grow me. I'll be in a place special to you. Come find me please," the flower said. And in the moment the flower let out seeds and they landed on Callum and Rayla.

And the flower was gone. Callum felt stronger and a small strand of hair turned white like Rayla's hair. And a strand of Rayla's hair turned brown like Callum's hair.

So Rayla and Callum snuck back to their campsite and their surprise Runaan and Ethari standing there. Runaan was almost ready to kill Callum.

Ethari smiled. At the couple. "So, the flower gave you half of Rayla's life huh?" Ethari asked.

"Umm..." was all the couple said.


Hey, my lovely lilies! Sorry for not updating sooner it's been a whole month. So a shout out to sillydragon123 this lily gave me the idea for this chapter. So thank you! And thank you for all your reads, comments, and votes.

Word Count: 1,017




I'm soooo done!

Always-In-Love OUT

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