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Daisy packed her things from her college dorm with the help of her best friend, Keira. She was heading home tomorrow for the summer, and the yearly family holiday.

"Thanks Keira, I cant believe I'm finally going to see the Carters again this year!" Daisy said, taking off her bed sheets and discarding then into a cardboard box.

"I know! I remember when we all used to hang out at your house together. It must have been, what, 7 years since then?" Keira smiled, remembering the childish Carter brothers, Luke, Max and James.

"Shit has it really been that long! I can remember those annoying boys like i was with them yesterday, especially Max and his stupid pranks." Daisy laughed, reminiscing. The brothers had gone to stay at their dad's in Australia for a few years while their mom, Chrissy, started dating their now Stepdad, Rob.

"Great, that's the last of it. Ready for the summer holidays?" Panted Keira, loading up bags of belongings into her arms.
"Yes. Cannot wait!" Daisy squealed in response, locking the door as her and Keira stepped into the building reception and handed over their keys, preparing for the long drive home. Keira had the aux cord as usual; she loved music and was an incredible singer. Daisy too enjoyed listening to songs, but never found playing an instrument very interesting, preferring sports as an activity.

Because they lived in the same building at college, Keira usually made a meal for the both of them while Daisy was out running or training each evening. The exception to this was Friday nights, where they always got dressed up and went to one of the numerous parties available around their apartment block. Daisy loved partying, she found it exhilarating to go out and meet new people and dance, whereas Keira preferred to sit and talk to another sober person in the corner of the room. In this way, Daisy was very similar to her brother Jake, he was a notorious partier at the same college, though Daisy avoided him at parties since he was usually with a girl heading upstairs.

Daisy lived in the same neighbourhood as Keira, and dropped her off before driving home herself. She felt nervous, it had been 7 whole years after all, she remembered Luke as the tallest and smartest of the Carter brothers, which makes sense as he was the oldest, granted only by a year, but he still gloated about it at every opportunity. Max was middle child, and the cheekiest one of all, with dimples on his cheeks and wholesome dark green eyes, he could get away with any prank he pulled every time. James was the same age as Daisy, 2 years younger than Max, although he could easily pass for the same age as Luke. When they'd last met, Luke was 13 and the same age as Daisy's brother, Jake, while Max was 12 and Daisy and James were 10.

As Daisy neared her driveway, she brushed through her wavy hair with her fingers, and attempted to rub off bits of smudged makeup from the rush this morning, her sweaty palms stuck to her hair, and she attempted to wipe them on her jeans, cursing as she did so. She prayed to god that no one was back yet, apart from her parents.

They were a relatively wealthy family, choosing to have a bigger house out of the city centre and in the countryside. Their house was down a long trail with a few others neighbouring it, and the Carter's house was directly next door.

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