Ultimate Sass-Off

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Once upon a Camp Half-Blood there was a very sassy boy named Percy. Now not everyone approved that Percy was the #1 Sass Master in the world, a boy named Jason, for example, did not agree with this and demanded a 'Sass-Off' the winner therefore getting the title, two more people joined not liking their Sass Level-- Nico di Angelo and Leo Valdez. The Judges, Gleeson Hedge and Chiron gave each boy a michrophone and the sass went off!! Percy's topic that he had to make a sassy speech about was the description of a Leo-ever-after in flamelandia. Jason got eliminated first. For his topic was rules. You see this is testing you weakness and seeing how you can make a speech about it. Jason got eliminated because all he did was blab on how great they were and how everyone should follow them.
Nico was out second because, while having potential, he hadn't lived up to it yet. His topic was Percy. I'll let you guess how that went.
Leo then got out for his topic, Calypso, doesn't completely approve of sass.
Percy won by mildly dissing red and flames and leo while still avoiding Leo wanting to pummeling him. In fact Leo was in the crowd laughing.
So he was crowned victor!

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