Percy J & Harry P

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What if voldemort was Percy's grandfather? Let's all just take a minute to think of what his reaction would be, probably something like the weirdest home alone face known to man. Then if Harry was there at the time, after like 5 minutes of a non blinking home alone faced percy he would just start screaming "2 EVIL BLOOD THIRSTY CERTAIN PEOPLE HATIN GRANDFATHERS??? MY LIFE IS SO MESSED UP!" And then Dumbledore (hopefully not dead yet *crosses fingers* is just standing there watching Harry's face progress from a little frightened to a little creeped out to like GET ME OUT AND AWAY FROM THESE PEOPLE!!!
And then Sirius (again hopefully not dead *crosses arms* figures out the schools our little Perce has been kicked out of and starts blabbing on about him being a mini Maurder ...

AND SALLY JACKSON IS ALL LIKE "wut has dis wurld come 2"


THANK YOU amazing people so much for almost 600 views! *wipes fake tear* it means so much *starts fake bawling* anywho



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