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Note- Some of these are not exactly dates, but are more of romantic encounters if you will. Also, this is un-edited again (like always) and took me forever to write. Please, tell me what you think/who's your favorite one to read.

Nanami Tsubomi

Your first date was at a park, with your security guard watching you. You are the child of some very important people, who were victims of an assasination back in the 90's. The process to ask Nanami out was insane for you, your parents had to do a background check on her and hire a private investigator for a week too. You did not tell Nanami this, or plan to tell her either. But, anyway, back to the date. You guys were walking hand in hand while talking to each other. Everything was going okay, but it could have been going way better. You could not help but be awkward, you were being watched and could feel the eyes of your guard in the back of your head. Nanami noticed this "off-ness".

"There's no need to be shy Y/n, we already know each other," she said.

You stopped in your tracks. At this moment you decided to go rogue. You scoped your surroundings, looking for your security guard. You saw them in their stereotypical black incognito spy outfit. You also noticed the entrance to the metro.

"Y/n," Nanami said in a questioning tone.

"Nanami, do you trust me," you asked.

She nodded in response.

"Well, on the count of three... we run," you say in a serious tone.

Nanami and you counted down quietly and darted down the stairs of the metro station's entrance. The both of you jumped into a random subway. The both of you did not know where you guys were going, but high on adrenaline, you guys did not care. You texted your mother, the more understanding parent, to tell her that you were "safe" and might be "coming home late".

You spent your date traveling on different subways and causing some mild trouble. And, you made sure to ignore your phone buzzing with news reports saying that you were missing.

Midari Ikishima

Midari asked you out. It was something that you found weird at the time. For the last few weeks you guys have been hitting it off, but in a friendly way. You were ready to reject her, but somehow your "no" came out as a "yes".

You guys could not have a date outside of the asylum, so instead Midari planned a day where the both of you just had a normal conversation. No "mental jargon". No treating her like a patient.

Because the meeting was casual, you had to see her through a plexiglass wall and speak to her through a telephone. It reminded you of how your stay was like in the facility. You could have only dreamed that somebody would come to visit you. Out of pity, you made sure to entertain Midari, hoping that you would be able to tell her that you guys should "stay friends" in person without a weird division between each other.

At the end of the date, she was genuinely happy. It was the first time you got to see her this way and it twisted your heart.

You don't like her.

Kaedae Manyuda

Kaedae took you out to a restaurant, one of the fanciest around. He was wearing a beautifully tailored suit, which was definitely more expensive than the dress you decided to wear. While in the limo, yes, he came in a whole limousine, Kaedae gave you about ten expensive gifts. Then, he was on his cellphone for the rest of the ride, trying to secure another grand gift for you. From the look of frustration on his face, it looked like his plan failed.

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