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Yumeko Jabami
You met her gambling one day. You were the new girl in school and the person showing you the ropes Hyakkaou Private Academy mentioned a gambling tournament after class. You were entraced by how passionately she gambled and her mysterious poker face. You made sure to watch every match she participated in. By the end of the event you decided that you had to get to know her better.

Maeri Saotome
You lost to her in a gamble, and dug yourself into a deeper hole. You were in debt to the council and decided to gamble to pay it. You were going to die before becoming some random's housewife. You almost collected enough winnings to pay off the debt, until you made the mistake of gambling with Maeri. As you threw the last bit of money you had at her, you noticed her face had a hint of sadness and maybe pity. The next day, word got around about you being the lowest of the low, and that morning was filled with mockery and rudeness. But, your day got brighter when Sayaka pulled you aside, and told you that your debt got payed by a "secret admirer". The next day there was an invitation signed by "nobody" on your desk in homeroom.

Kirari Momobami
You got beckoned to the council room. Knowing you were one of the best gamblers in the school, this day was bound to happen. This was the day you were going to gamble with the best. Once you arrived you couldn't help but notice the President eying the aquarium. You made your presence known by clearing your throat. Next thing you know you won a game to the President. She cooly started handing you funds, but instead of accepting the money you gave her a "better deal".

Itsuki Sumeragi
You guy were friends ever since you were babies. Your parents and her parents were the bestest of friends. One of your favorite memories of her was when you guys acted out Cinderella with two princesses. You guys were both about six years old at the time. You guys accidently kissed during it and for a week Itsuki profusely blushed everytime she saw you.

Yumemi Yumemite
You met her at one of her concerts. When Yumemi saw your pretty face in the crowd of bland middle-aged men she winked at you. After the concert, you were walking towards a ramen restaurant nearby. You were singing your favorite song of hers, and from behind you hearing someone harmonizing with you. When you turned around there was Yumemi.

Ririka Momobami
She bumped into you in the hallway. Her masked popped off her face and shattered on the ground. You guys also fell down too, and you managed to quickly get up. You helped her up and she quietly apologized with her hand still lingering in yours. You got to look her into her blue-green eyes, but without warning she covered her face and ran off. The shy blonde left you hoping that you would bump into her again.


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