Chapter 9: Expound (Day 3) Edited

Start from the beginning

It was so sincere.

Jeff started to grin with the attempt of a normal smile, and the sinister sensations of fear trembled back into your bones for a moment. Maybe black doves had thought of an odd way to provoke your instability, hazing your sense of self and distorting true images. The hallucination was just too surreal. It was real, actually. You always had a good judge on when your sanity or wakefulness was being plundered, and at that moment in time, everything was normal; everything was grand.

"Thanks for being there for me," you said. You were glad to know that someone really cared about you. Honestly.

The wind started picking up and you felt the chilly thunder from the open window in the living room, which cast an awful oblivion across your spine. It was as if ropes were burning your insides so much that the heat turned into icy blades, ones as cold as deceit.

"Are you okay?" Jeff asked. "You look confused about something."

"No, of course not... I'm perfectly fine," you uttered, directing your attention back to him.

"I have a question," he stated.

"This is a lot of questions."

"I know, I know," he mumbled, "but I'm just wondering if going back to places you went to before could jog your memory."

Maybe it would work. In mystery novels and movies it always did. Clues or evidence from crimes caused elicit scenes to be played out in witnesses' minds. If you view objects like they are symbols, they will begin to hold such a greater meaning. So why wouldn't places act in the same way? When you think of another part of the world, a connotation automatically comes to mind, and you were hoping that this strategy could help uncover more information about Jeff.

"We should go to Paris and Japan. Just like before," he said.

"Really?" you questioned. "Those places are really far away... And did we really go there?"

"That's what they have planes for, first of all," he bickered, "and I'm sure getting your memories back sooner than later is in your best interest. Go ahead and pack your stuff."

He looked extremely determined in that protective stance. You could almost call yourself lucky for having been stuck with him. You could see why you would be attracted to him, so the question of how you were dating such a person could be answered easily. You felt a bond, even if you had only seen him for half a day. Your feelings towards him were more than just a half a day's worth. They could have been from years ago, for all you knew. Maybe you met him in your childhood and they could trace all the way back to when you were seven or something. How crazy would that be? Falling in love with your childhood friend?

Your thoughts got too ahead of you and you fluttered your eyes after seeing Jeff's lips move.

"What did you say?" you shuttered.

"Did you not hear me? You need to pack if we want to make an early flight."

You were seriously going to Paris and Japan right after you forgot everything about yourself. And now that you thought about it, you could feel a connection with those places- like a red string pulling you towards the idea of traveling there. It was heartwarming to know that Jeff was going to accompany you and try to make sparks fly once again. You must have had such a great time there with him, and it was painful just to think about the past you were missing out on. You believed that pasts were beautiful and that even the most devastating memories were worth remembering.

"Alright," you said. "I'll be ready before the end of today-"

"Do you like me?" Jeff asked.

The interruption was so intricately thought out. He obviously wanted to know, either for his own sake or yours. But was he asking about his actions or his character? Did you like his looks or what he did for you? Or was it the feelings you endured when you were around him?

"I do," you said to him.

"You kinda get flustered when talking to me," he mentioned. "You used to do that right before we started dating, so I can tell you're not caught up to speed anymore."

You couldn't remember who he was at all, but you sure did remember every single feeling you ever felt for him. Love, passion, and maybe... contradiction. The only reason you were putting your feelings to rest was because the first time you looked into his eyes- his dilated, giant pupils- you saw fear. But he didn't seem scared of anything, and you doubted he ever could be unless he was the best actor on the planet. Concealing how frightened you are isn't feasible- not for anyone, so for him to be outrageously courageous just wasn't normal for someone who has ever feared anything.

"I remember all the feelings I had," you stated, "about you."

"Good," Jeff nodded, a concealed smirk written across his forehead. "We won't have many problems then."

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