Mentions of the Past

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Location: Beacon Academy Infirmary

Zoey wakes up to see Io laying her head on her bed. She then begins to notice her odd surroundings. She was in a large room with white beds and medical equipment as she moved around on her bed Io began to wake up. When Io saw that Zoey was awake she smiled "I'm so glad you're ok!" She then pulled Zoey into a hug. Zoey slightly pushes her off before asking "what happened I thought I was fighting the fang did we win?" Io glares at Zoey for a moment before she replies "yes you guys won but what were you thinking running off like that you don't know what could have happened!?"

Zoey is taken back by the change in tone from Io but as she listens to her rant on how it was to dangerous it was and how bad it could have gone Zoey sees a glass of water on the table next to her. She then notices that her dry lips and her thirst she goes to grab the glass but realizes that she is missing her arm she let's out a soft sigh as she looks to Io "when did this happen?" Io turns away as she pouts "you seem to have lost it during your fight with Roman." Zoey groans as she takes of the bandages around the stump.

As it unravels and falls the the floor beside the bed Io grabs the glass of water for Zoey handing it to her hand "thanks" Zoey offers her a small smile before drinking the whole glass of water down with a single gulp "ahh that's just what I needed right now so what happened after I got shot my mind is a bit fuzzy about it I feel like something else happened?" Io sighed as she began to explain what happened at the warehouse "when we got there it was almost already over we went to go find you but all we found at first was a lot of blood some armor fragments and your arm." Zoey tries to piece the memory together but then looks up to her as she continues "we found you in a janitor closet you had.....frenzied I thought we had lost you." She let's a small tear roll down her cheek "you attacked us we were just lucky you were already weakened from the fight but the worst part is she was controlling you." Zoey's chest tightens as she rolls over the words Io said "she was controlling you." Zoey begins to panic "wait what how I don't get it that's not possible right right?"

Io shakes her head and places her hand on Zoey's shoulder "it's ok it's over no ok no one was hurt to bad." The words seemed to linger in the air as Zoey slowly asked her in a soft voice "wait I hurt the others?" Io turned away she she replied "yes you did but they are fine now but we had subdue you I kinda had to give you blood from a direct source." Io points to the marks on her shoulder the sight of them makes Zoey shudder "wait what so you mean we had to subdue you?" Io sighs as she looks away from Zoey "yes they all saw your frenzied state and yes they were there when you drank my blood I feel we can no longer keep it a secret." Zoey slumps back in her bed groaning " Aghhh great all it took was what not even a week here and now I already got to spill the beans!"

Io smiles while she watches Zoey groan and complain. After Zoey finally stopped her tantrum she looks to Io "so do I need to stay here or something I feel fine?" Zoey looks over to a file sitting on the table at the foot of her bed "hey Io what's that?" Io then grabs the folder going through the papers inside "it seems to be your medical files it's all blacked out though?" She hands the file to Zoey and much to her surprise most if not all the information inside was redacted.
"Huh that's odd so can you like ask the doc if I can go I'm going to read through this real quick." She then flicks through the pages each one having most if not all the information redacted "huh that is odd I bet Ozpin had something to so with it." As she places the folder on her table she looks up to notice a familiar face "oh hi Glynda ya need something?" But she doesn't respond only staring at Zoey's arm "hey don't worry about it it's nothing big." Glynda then slams her hand onto the table next to Zoey "don't you have any care for what happens to you?!"

Zoey was taken back by her sudden shift in mood. She stared at Glynda as she continued her rant "you go off to fight the fang without even an aura and because of this you end up losing a arm you're just lucky that was all you could have been killed for oum's sake don't you think about the others who care about you?!" She stomps her foot while her face glows a bright red. Zoey still in shock mutters to her "I am sorry I didn't think about anyone else but myself." Zoey then hangs her head as tears form in her eyes and begin to leak onto her blanket. Glynda's attitude then changes as she places her hand on Zoey's shoulder "look I'm sorry but you need to be careful and I'm surprised that Ozpin even let's you run around without one but how about this." She holds her hand out toward Zoey "give me your hand and I will unlock your aura." Zoey is shocked by her offer but slowly holds out her hand. Glynda's hand then glows as she begins to recite a passage as she continues the ritual a light blue aura begins to form around Zoey. When Glynda stops she notices the aura around Zoey she then let's a small smile slip past her stonewall attitude. They then hear a large gasp from behind them "Zoey and Glynda I would have never guessed they would be a pair!"

Both of them turn to see Ruby standing with the rest of the team and Io. Glynda then notices that she is still holding Zoey's hand and promptly yanks her hand away but to her surprise Zoey held on and was pulled off the bed with a loud thud. "Oww next time give me a warning." Zoey rubs her face then stands up to see Glynda leaving the room with a deep blush "oww what is her problem?" Ruby then almost tackles Zoey over with a hug "we are so glad you are ok we thought you were done for all the injuries you were in bad shape!" Zoey pats Ruby's head "don't worry about it that's all over with I'm fine."

Yang then chuckles "ya you are back almost in one piece but back is what we were going for." They all look to Zoey who runs over her nub of an arm "oh this well give me a second." A bright glow then emerges from Zoey's chest seconds later a skeletal arm shoots from the nub slowly forming skin,muscles,and flesh that all made up a arm much to the surprise of the others. Zoey then sits back on her bed "wow it really takes it out of me when ya got to regrow them but just healing them is a piece of cake." The other just stare with their mouths wide open but Blake is the first to shake the suprise "wait you can even regrow limbs what are you?" Zoey smiles "as I told you guys before I'm a Revenant we are the undead warriors." She begins to relax on her bed before a hand pulls her off and to her feet. The hand was Yang's "no I think we have had enough simple answers I think we are due for a little more complex ones!" Zoey sighs and slowly removes herself from Yang's grip "fine I guess I can go a little more complicated but are you guys sure you want to open that door up we can just leave it here?" But the other looked to each other before nodding in unison much to Zoey's displeasure "fine I will answer all the questions you have tonight but not right now I'm tired I will come to your guys room later and we can go over it all." Blake shakes her head and begins to argue but Weiss grabs her shoulder "I believe her so let's just let her rest for now ok?" The girls then share a soft hearted goodbye.

Io then looks to Zoey "shall we use the vestige it would make answering the questions a little bit easier?" Zoey sighs and lays back on her bed "I don't care but if we do that you'll need to guide them." Io smiles and turns to leave the room "well I told you we wouldn't be able to keep it a secret for long.

To be continued

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