"Ugh, I hate you!" She spat as she sulked on the couch. Bucky sighed angrily and turned around back to Tori and Lexi.

"I'm sorry about her behaviour, it's just been hard lately," Bucky apologized to his host.

"It's okay, I get it," Tori replied, "it seems though it's really only one of you she's having issues with," she gestured to the girl's father.

"I just don't know what to do with her anymore," Bucky's frustration was evident, "it's like she's an alien. I swear it was like it was yesterday that she was my little girl, who liked bows and unicorns, and now she's... that. I caught her smoking last week for god's sake. She just started hanging out with a bad crowd and it's just been all downhill from there," Bucky sighed, "I just don't know what we did wrong. I don't understand her,"

"Babe, I keep telling you that she's just trying to find herself. And yeah, it's not good who she's hanging around with-"

"I won't let her hang around with those kids. If she hangs out with them, she could turn bad, and use her power for-"

"See that's exactly what the problem is, you need to let her figure that out for herself. Not letting her hang out with them will only drive her away," Tori explained.

"What have I been telling you, Bucky?" Lexi added.

"But see, I didn't agree with her getting anything pierced other than her ear lobes, but you said it was okay," he shot a glare over at his wife, who shrugged nonchalantly in response, "she's only fifteen,"

"You really should've talked about that beforehand," Peter suggested.

"Thank you, Peter!" Bucky exclaimed with an annoyed expression on his face.

"Look, I was like her when I was her age-"

"That's not really a comforting thought," Bucky cut Lexi off.

"All I'm saying is that you still treat her like she's still a little kid, and she's lashing out because of that. You need to let her experience the world, stop keeping her in," Lexi continued.

"You're a good dad, you're just scared to let her grow up and figure things out on her own. She's not going to turn out bad, you didn't raise her like that," Peter finished.

"I've been scared since the day I found out she was pregnant! I don't know how kids are, I haven't been a kid in over a hundred years!" Bucky argued, "being an Avenger is way easier than parenting,"

"No kidding," Tori added, "I'm gonna be honest, I'm dreading Chanel's teenage years,"

"Look, I think you're a fantastic father. I think you're a little overprotective, but everyone makes mistakes. I screwed up in telling her she could get her ears pierced again without talking to you about it first," Lexi pointed out, "she's our only one, and no, she's not easy. She's got my powers, for god's sake. We're bound to screw up every once in a while,"

"How did I know you'd be such a good mom?" Bucky embraced his wife lovingly, giving her a quick kiss. Tori gushed a little on the inside.

"Yuck!" Chanel scrunched up her nose, which caused everyone to burst out into laughter, "Uncle Bucky and Auntie Lexi need to learn to keep that to themselves!"

"Why? Your mom and I don't," Peter asked his kids.

"Trust me, Aunt Lexi and Uncle Bucky aren't the only ones that need to learn how to keep it to themselves," Tony shot back at his parents. The doorbell rang again. This time, Peter went to the door, and it was Steve, looking rather tanned from the Malibu sun, where he lived with Quinn and their twins, Luca and Levi, who were both thirteen. Although they were twins, they definitely could not be mistaken for one another; they were fraternal twins. While both were quite tall, you could see a lot of Steve in Levi's blonde hair and blue eyes, while Luca had dark brown hair and brown eyes, like Quinn. Many couldn't tell the pair were brothers, let alone twins. But while Levi looked like Steve, that boy got into all sorts of trouble, while Luca was the straight-A's goody-two-shoes brother. But since he was the older twin, he got Quinn's powers. Steve internally thanked god for that, since he wouldn't know what to do with Levi if he got them.

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