Chapter 39:

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A/N: Hey guys! Here is the second last chapter of The Seven (there is one more). I can't believe this two-year journey is coming to end soon. Wow. Anyways, enjoy this chapter, and thank you all for the support.

- Harper E. Pierce

Two weeks later...

Every single Avenger, Guardian, alien and person stood in silence as Pepper, Happy and Tony's little girl, Morgan, walked out of their house towards the end of the dock near the lake. In black everyone stood, some crying, some trying to keep a blank expression and others with a frown on their faces, holding back tears. The little girl just had a sad look on her face; she'd lost her dad after all. Even though she was too young to understand, she would remember this forever.

Pepper and Morgan placed the arc reactor Tony had in a small bed of flowers. The arc reactor had been engraved, saying "Proof that Tony Stark has a Heart". Everyone chuckled at that. It was the way Tony would've wanted it. His wife Pepper and his beautiful little girl putting his arc reactor, the thing that kept him alive for all these years, in a bed of flowers on the lake, where it would eventually sink down and rest on the sandy bottom. It was where he now belonged.

As the arc reactor floated away, everyone stood in silence, mourning the death of their beloved husband, father, friend and hero. As much as they were mourning, they also were standing in respect to him. To the man who had sacrificed his life to save billions of lives, to bring everyone back to where they belonged. He was the real hero.

After the funeral was over, Lorelei wandered over by the lake just to think. She remembered the words Tony said to her. "I'm so proud of you, Lorelei,". At that moment, she knew that he could finally rest. She'd finished Thanos off, and he knew that it was her destiny to do so. But what now? She had the powers of a God, something she'd only use once in her lifetime, but still, where would she go?

"Something on your mind?" Skylar appeared behind her, but Lorelei didn't flinch. The other girls weren't far behind her.

"I just... I don't know where to go from here," She sighed.

"Many of us don't," Raven told her, appearing on her left.

"It's just... I can't settle down. I'm thirty-four, I should be settled down with someone and have kids by now," she told her.

"There's nothing wrong with not being settled down, Lorelei," Lexi tried to reassure her.

"I don't know what to do," Lorelei sighed, "I'm older than you guys now, by a lot. You guys still have time," she just stared at the water, her six friends beside her staring with her.

When the memorial was over, the Avengers all went back to the compound, just to spend time together as a family. Skylar had used her powers to restore the compound back to its original state after the battle, so it looked the same as it once did before Thanos had destroyed it. Until everyone figured out what they were doing, they all stayed there in the same rooms as they did before. That night, everyone sat in a circle in the main area, having drinks and just talking about the stuff that had happened over the last five years, and where everyone was going to go from there.

"I'm going to find Loki," Tris told everyone in that room. They all just stared at her inquisitively, "he's alive. He has to be. The 2018 Thanos killed him, and if you killed the 2014 Thanos, he has to be alive," she reasoned. She was right, he was probably alive somewhere in the universe.

"Tris, he's probably not going to be the guy we knew. He's even if Thanos didn't kill him, neither did all the bad stuff that caused him to become a better guy," Thor warned her, knowing his brother's past with evil doings.

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