Chapter 10:

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A/N: Hey guys! I wanted to thank you for almost 50 hearts 1.7k reads on Quotev! It means so much to me that you're enjoying my stories! I did want to go over some things though.

Firstly, Peter Parker, at this current point in time, is 19, and about to live in the tower with the Avengers if all goes well with the accords. He is NOT in high school in this story. Secondly, Ragnarok in this story, happened DURING the Civil War chapters. (they were left of out of the book for reasons that contain spoilers, so I cannot disclose that information. But get excited, because the reasons are happening soon!) It is CURRENTLY 2016 in the story, and we are ALMOST done the Civil War chapters. Glad that cleared some things up.

Enjoy this chapter and if you want to read more from me, check out my profile with a short ORIGINAL story called "Rageous" and another completed (yet unedited) fanfiction called "Like You".

- Harper E. Pierce

The next few days were the most stressful that the Avengers had ever experienced. They had to come to a decision about the accords in a civil manner, rather than fighting about it. Many people had switched sides after the fight as well. Steve still stood his ground about the accords and how they were a bad idea, but it was entirely up to them.

Everyone on both sides except for Tony who was still recovering from Lexi and Quinn's quick solution, had to gather in an abandoned warehouse for a meeting, Steve didn't want FRIDAY overhearing their conversation. Wanda had asked that no one bring any form of suit, which everyone had agreed to. Rhodes had showed up in a wheelchair, as he was now paralyzed from the waist down. Bucky looked guiltier than ever even being in the presence of Tony's best friend.

"So I think everyone knows why we're here." Steve nodded sadly. "To an extent, and I know that some of you have a lot of questions-"

"Steve, no offense, but right now, you sound like an awkward dad trying to give his kids "the talk"." Quinn cut him off. Steve rolled his eyes and smiled a little.

"Anyways, I wanted to explain what happened. I know that some of you had to be broken out of that prison, thank you Tris, for that. But I need you all to know that Tony doesn't remember anything about the doctor, the bombing in Vienna, and the quinjet. When he wakes up, all he'll know is that the argument about the accords got out of hand in the fight." Steve said.

"Wait... how? Miss Hart can't take away memories." T'Challa asked him. Lexi, Bucky and Quinn looked sheepish. Then Bucky spoke up.

"On December 16th, 1991 there was a car crash that killed a man and woman because they were transferring something very important to a SHIELD facility. It never got there, because HYDRA got involved that night." Bucky began.

"Isn't that the date of Tony's parents death?" Rhodes asked.

"Yes it is. Howard Stark was transferring super soldier serum when HYDRA stole it."

"How do you even know that? And why would you have to erase his memory for that?" Lorelei continued to question him.

"Because I was the one that did it." Bucky admitted guiltily. The room sucked in a breath, Rhodes closing his eyes in sadness.

"HYDRA had control of his mind, he had no idea-"

"I know, Steve. And I wholeheartedly believe that. It wasn't his fault." Rhodes cut the blonde man off. He then turned to the girls. "It's the same with you girls. Nothing you did was your fault. But what're you going to tell him?"

"We're going to tell him that Quinn used her mind control on him to get him to run away and it malfunctioned."

"And the accords?" T'Challa asked them.

The Seven  ✦  {Avengers}Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz