Unedited Drafts 001

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Unedited Drafts 001

Lavender paced back and forth in her living room nervously

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Lavender paced back and forth in her living room nervously.  Her small, light feet pattered against the floor in a back and forth motion, She could barely even sit down. Lavender was awaiting the arrival of her Best friend Mason, she needed to tell him something important that could possibly wreck their friendship.

Lavender sat on her knees that rested on her couch and began fiddling with her fingers. She glanced at her phone to check the time. It was a bit late but that was okay, Mason and Lavender hung out all the time.

"Hey Ven! Open up!" A voice and a loud bang interrupted Lavender's trance. The edged young woman guided towards the door and plastered a smile on her face to swing open the door.  The best friends engulfed into a warm hug.

"How was work?" Lavender said into his shirt. Feeling suffocated, they pulled away  from each other and sat on the couch. "Pretty normal. We finished design on this new building for that empty lot up the street. Construction is supposed to start in about Nine months. What about you? How was your day?" Mason was an architect for the biggest construction company in the state. He was very passionate in his work. He talked about it all the time.

"It was fine, y'know your typical preschool teacher day? Kids throwing up, Tantrums, accidents. It's a lot." She sighed, reminiscing.

"You got it, there's nothing you can't handle," Mason told, earning a grin from Lavender. Lavender began twirling her curly hair in her fingers.

She sighed, "You know I need to talk to you..." She muttered.


"I said I needed to tell you something." Lavender said a little louder; She situated herself on the couch in another awkward position. This time, she was sitting on her hands Indian style.

"You seem nervous, what's up?" Mason wondered. He sat up to face the girl before him.

"I love you." 
    Mason chuckled, " I love you too Lavender." He grinned, taking out his phone. Lavender let out a shaky breath, becoming slowly frustrated. Lavender shook her head, "No Mace. I love you, like in love with you." She confessed, shoving her face  in her hands.  Mace was lost for words. He knew that him and Lavender had love for each other, but he always thought that Lavender never felt the passionate love that he secretly felt for her. He too was afraid of messing up their friendship. So Mason tried to Distract himself with other women, in attempt to shake the feelings away.

"Lavender I-I don't know what to say."  Lavender nodded her head in a saddened acceptance.

"You know what? It's okay, Just forget I ever said anything. Let's watch a movie or something." Lavender picked up the tv room, in order to sweep the conversation  under the rug.


"Netflix? Or I can find some DVDs in my room, what do you want to-"

"Lavender!" Mason snapped, causing the timid girl to bounce back. "Listen to me," he ran his fingers through his scalp.

"Its always been you."

"What?" Lavender rose up from her cradle position.

"Its always been you, Lavender." Lavender and Mason locked eyes.  "It's pretty silly, ever since I met you in the 11th grade, I just knew that I was In love with you, but I never told you because I was-"

"Scared?" Lavender spoke up; Mason nodded.

"So now what?" Lavender thought aloud, pondering. Mason playfully nudged her shoulder. Lavender and Mason shared a gaze that even the strongest force couldn't break it. This stare continued for what felt like an eternity until Mason broke it.

"You wanna know what two people in love do?" He flashed a cheeky smile.
"What?" Lavender giggled.

Mason Swiftly brought his hands to cup Lavender's face and locked his lips with hers. Lavender, shocked by this motion later relaxed into the kiss and held onto his forearm. Mason lightly ran his fingers along the base of her neck, tickling her and causing her to smile within the kiss. Mason used his free hand to pull the girl by her waist, Lavender  gripped the back of his head, pushing him closer to her. The two slowly pulled away from each other and smiled.

"So what do you say?" Mason said, placing small kisses on her neck and collarbone.

Lavender slightly pushed him back, "Lets take this slow, and see where it goes, yeah?" she placed a hand on his shoulder.

"I would like that."

"Me too."

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