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In the survivor camp, Amy gives Lori some mushrooms she collected from the forest. She asks how to tell if these are poisonous and Lori replies that she only knew one way. Lori goes to the forest and feels unnerved by the silence. Suddenly, Shane takes her by surprise from behind and playfully throws her to the ground asking how much time they had. Lori replies that enough, and as they begin to undress, they notice Rick's wedding ring on a locket around her neck. She takes it off and lays it carefully on the grass. They then proceed to have sex.

Locked inside the tank in Atlanta, Rick talks on the radio with the person who contacted him and asks for help. The voice replies that Rick was surrounded by walkers and advises him to make a run for it while they were distracted eating the horse. Rick takes a gun and a grenade from the dead soldier and then opens the hatch. He jumps out of the tank and runs down a sidewalk into an alley, shooting walkers along the way, where he meets the young man who had been talking to him on the radio and follows him up a ladder into the roof for safety.

While catching their breath, the young man congratulates Rick for his reflexes and introduces himself as Glenn. After thanking him for saving his life, Rick wonders why he did that. Glenn says he hopes someone would do the same for him one day. They climb down to an alley that is mostly free of walkers due to a bus blockade and wait as a man named Allen emerges from a building and beats down some of the walkers.

When they enter the store, a woman named Andrea points a gun at Rick's face, furious at his recklessness. Allen calms her down and informs Rick that his gunshots have attracted numerous walkers from all over the city to their location. From outside, a crowd of walkers slams themselves against the door and the glass begins to crack. Rick explains that he was trying to follow a helicopter, but nobody believes him. A woman named Donna tries to radio someone but gets no signal. Suddenly, everyone hears gunshots coming from the rooftop.

On the roof, the group finds the redneck Merle Dixon firing at walkers in the street with a rifle. Donna scolds him for attracting more walkers, but Merle says he refuses to accept orders from a black person. Allen comes to his wife's defense and this triggers a fight. Rick tries to intervene but is knocked out aside. Merle throws Allen to the ground and presses a gun to his head, proclaiming himself the new leader. Once again, Rick intervenes, hits Merle with the butt of the rifle and handcuffs him to a pipe. In a threatening tone, he reminds Merle that things were different now and that if they wanted to survive they would need to work together. Merle challenges that he wouldn't shoot him because he's a cop, but Rick answers that he was just a man looking for his family.

Allen thanks Rick for his help and tells him that there was never a refugee center and that they are part of a larger group of survivors staying in a camp outside the city, but they haven't been able to contact them on the radio. Rick says that they were on their own now and suggests trying to escape through the sewers. Donna, who formerly worked in a zoning office, mentions that the old building they were on might have a flood tunnel that would provide access to the sewers. Most of the group heads down to the basement where Glenn concocts a plan.

While standing guard on the front doors, Andrea apologizes to Rick for the way she behaved earlier, explaining that she acted that way because her sister is the only family she has left. Rick gets a bit teary and replies that he understood that people did crazy things when they were afraid. Meanwhile, Glenn and Allen travel through the sewer until they reach a grated barrier. They begin to think of ways to cut through it but decided to return when they see a walker eating a rat on the other side.

In the store, Andrea looks at a necklace with a mermaid pendant and mentions that her sister loved fictional creatures. Rick encourages her to take it, insisting that shoplifting rules don't apply anymore, and while Andrea pockets the necklace, the walkers break through the exterior glass doors and begin pounding on the interior set. Glenn and Allen arrive at that moment to report that sewers were not an option either.

Back on the roof, Rick spots a van parked in a construction site a few blocks away and assumes that the keys should be nearby. He proposes to use the vehicle to escape and asks if anyone had any idea how to move past the walkers. The group explains that the undead attack when they see, smell, or listen to someone. Rick latches onto the concept of scent and Andrea quickly concludes that they don't smell dead, and that is why the walkers can differentiate between themselves and the living.

Wearing gloves and waterproof jackets, Rick and Allen drag a dead walker from the alley into the store. After paying tribute to the walker's lost humanity under Donna's insistence, Rick begins hacking the dead body to pieces with an axe. He and Glenn then smear its guts on themselves and prepare to go outside. Before leaving, Rick tosses Allen the key to Merle's handcuffs and tells everyone to be ready when they return. After passing under the bus blocking the alley, Rick and Glenn begin to walk among the walkers on the street unnoticed.

At the camp, Amy frets over the whereabouts of her companions and sister. Dale, who is working on his RV with the help of a somber man named Jim, receives Donna's garbled transmission informing everyone that the group was trapped in a store in Atlanta surrounded by hundreds of walkers. Although Amy wants to go rescue them immediately, Shane insists they won't do that because it was too dangerous. Amy becomes furious at his decision and storms off.

Back in Atlanta, Rick and Glenn keep making their way through the crowd of walkers until rain clouds begin to form in the sky. A downpour falls heavily and cleans the guts' smell off them. With their living smell exposed, Rick and Glenn fight against the walkers and run towards the construction site, where they jump over the gate blocking their access. Once Glenn finds the keys, the duo speeds away in the van. Seeing that several walkers are blocking the entrance of the department store, Rick smashes the window of a sports car, which causes the alarm to blare, and gives it to Glenn to drive it away to serve as a distraction.

While the group rushes from the rooftop, Allen cannot bring himself to leave Merle behind after hearing him beg and runs to set him free. By accident, he slips on the rain-soaked roof and drops the handcuff key down a drain. Allen apologizes and leaves, but not before blocking the entrance with chains. Merle is abandoned and curses loudly in a rage as the walkers finally break the main set of doors of the store and enter.

Outside the back entrance of the store, with the walkers lured away, Rick pulls the van up and the group climbs inside. Allen confesses that he dropped the keys and left Merle trapped behind. While escaping from the city, Andrea asks about Glenn. The sports car suddenly surpasses them at full speed with Glenn screaming full of happiness.


Andrew Lincoln as Rick Grimes

Jon Bernthal as Shane Walsh

Sarah Wayne Callies as Lori Grimes

Deborah Ann Woll as Andrea

Jeffrey DeMunn as Dale Horvath

Steven Yeun as Glenn Rhee

Chandler Riggs as Carl Grimes

Guest Starring:

Michael Rooker as Merle Dixon

David Harbour as Allen

Emma Bell as Amy

Andrew Rothenberg as Jim


Jeryl Prescott Sales as Donna

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