Days Gone Bye

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On a deserted highway, Sheriff's Deputy Rick Grimes drives his police cruiser past overturned cars until he finds a blockade. He takes a gas can out of the trunk and walks past the remains of abandoned cars with corpses inside towards a gas station, where a handmade sign hanging reads "NO GAS". While searching around, Rick catches a glimpse of the slippered feet of a little girl on the other side of a car and decides to call her with some fear. The little girl turns and shows that her lower lip and half of her right cheek have been torn off and is dripping blood. She starts moving slowly towards him growling, and a disillusioned Rick draws his colt python and shoots her in the head.

Several days ago, Rick and his partner and best friend, Shane Walsh, eat hamburgers inside their police cruiser and joke about the first time they met in high school. When the conversation turns to Rick's wife, Lori, he becomes somber and explains to his friend that Lori accused him that morning of not caring about his family in front of their son, Carl, and believes that is a matter of time before she files for a divorce. Suddenly, a radio signal informs them about a high-speed pursuit in progress and they drive away. When they arrive at the scene, Rick and Shane lay down a spike strip on the road and meet up with their fellow officers. Shortly after, the car starts approaching and speeds over the spike strip, shredding the tires and rolling over down a field.

Rick carefully approaches the wrecked car when two men emerge from the vehicle and start shooting, with one of them hitting him in the bulletproof vest. The other officers manage to shot the criminals and Shane runs over to check on his friend. Rick gets up and tells him to never tell Lori what happened. Unnoticed by everyone, a third criminal emerges from the car and shoots Rick in the side. He falls to the ground bleeding as Shane kills the man before rushing to Rick's aid, begging him to stay awake. Following this, Shane delivers flowers to Rick in the hospital and talks to him, but Rick isn't fully conscious.

Some unknown time later, Rick wakes up in his hospital room, sweaty and unshaven, and responds to Shane, only to discover he is alone. He notices that the flowers have wilted, the beeping of the machines has stopped and the clock isn't working. After calling a nurse for help and getting no response, Rick tries to open the door and notices a gurney blocking the entrance. He pushes it aside and walks down the hallway towards the nurse's station to try the phone, but the line it's dead.

Continuing further down the hallway, the walls are covered with blood and numerous bullet holes. The double door of the cafeteria has been locked with a chain and has a disturbing message that reads: "DON'T OPEN/DEAD INSIDE." Several pale and dirty fingers start to reach through the cracks, moaning and groaning. Rick flees scared and exits through a door outside the hospital into the loading bay, where there are hundreds of corpses around the place, some wrapped in sheets while others are mutilated. He leaves the hospital and stumbles up a hill where a military helicopter has been crashed and abandoned.

Rick wanders down the street and spots an abandoned bicycle in a park. As he reaches for it, the badly decayed and legless body of a mutilated woman turns and tries to reach for him, pathetically moaning of hunger. Startled, Rick falls but regains himself a moment later, mounts the bike, and hastily rides away. He arrives at his home only to find the front door open and the house completely deserted. Helpless and confused, Rick cries on the floor while shouting the names of Lori and Carl.

Outside, Rick questions if he's dreaming when suddenly a young boy hits him in the back of the head with a shovel. Disoriented over the hit, he whispers Carl's name as the boy yells at his father that he found one of the undead. The boy's father, Morgan Jones, is surprised that his son found a living person and aggressively asks Rick about the bandage he was wearing. Before he can answer, Rick passes out.

That night, Rick wakes up tied to a bed while the young boy, Duane, stands guard with a baseball bat. Having changed his bandages, Morgan asks if he was bitten, but Rick remains confused and says that he was only shot as far as he knows. After checking his forehead to confirm that he doesn't have a fever, Morgan apologizes to Rick for having acted with hostility before and invites him to join them for dinner. Rick looks around the house and tries to open a window before Morgan stops him and says that there were several walkers all over the block.

The Walking Dead - Season 1 (My Version)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora