~ Surprise ~

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Chapter 1 ~

Seoul, December 2020, 9:00 am

You wake up to your annoying alarm clock that's been going off for the sixth time this morning, having no motivation to wake up, you sluggishly roll out of bed and land on the pile of clothes that's been building up for the past month.

" Y/n get your ass up or I'm gonna come and smack the shit out of you! " your best friend/roommate Nina yells from the bathroom. Shaking your head and coming to your senses, you quickly realize you're late to work again.

You dress in your normal work attire, a scrub, and a lab coat, and scurry out of the house grabbing your car keys and heading straight to work, with no breakfast as usual.

~ Background information ~

You've been dreaming of becoming a doctor since you can remember. Your dad has dealt with chronic illnesses and you've always made it your goal to help him out as much as you can, to repay him for all he has done for you.

You studied hard for 6 long and tiring years, working your ass off day and night, applying for part-time jobs to pay off your tuition. And finally , you made it. You became what you always wanted to be, you wanted to make your parents proud and you finally did it.

You've also always loved BTS, you followed them before they even debuted, you grew up with them and made a connection with them that no one could ever imagine, they've been there for you since you started your journey to become a doctor.

After long hours of studying you would watch their lives and performances to cheer up and get motivated. Since you lived so far away from them, you could only watch them through your small phone screen. But that didn't stop you from loving them and caring about them.

You made yourself a promise. You promised yourself to meet them one day, even if it's after 10 years. So when you graduated, you quickly applied to work in Seoul and you got excepted, that day was the happiest day in your life because that day you knew your life was going to change...

~ end~

You park your car and start running for dear life so you're not late for the fifth time this week. You finally reach the hospital, fixing your scrub and lab coat before heading to the front gate, you quickly greet the guard and the reception "good morning everyone " "good morning Dr.Lee" before jogging to your office on the 5th floor.

Out of breath, you reach out to open your office door, knowing your next patient is coming in 10 minutes, you put your purse under your desk and quickly make yourself a cup of instant coffee, which is the only kind of liquid you've been consuming for the past two weeks.

You return to your desk checking your patient list for the day, when a patient's name catches your eye, Kim Taehyung. It's not a surprise anymore, you've been the band's doctor for the past year now, you slouch in your chair, closing your eyes, as you start to remember how everything came to be.

One year ago ~

You and your best friend Nina just moved into your new apartment, and since you have no furniture and you barely have any time to go out and buy some you both agreed it was best to buy them online.

While you were busy searching for furniture and actually doing something, Nina had other plans in mind.

You screamed when a body jumps on top of you and you groan in pain, you look up and it's Nina panting, she looks like she's about to explode. You instinctively yell at her "wtf is wrong with you ?! You almost broke my laptop and -". "Y/n! You won't believe what I bought !!" She interrupts you and you can see her trembling hands holding her phone close to her chest, you look at her wondering what could she have bought that made her this excited.

"Look Nina I swear to god if you bought something useless or costs a lot I will-". "Just shut up! You're gonna love me after you find out I bought us VIP tickets to BTS' love yourself concert !!". She says tears building up in her eyes from the excitement.

The only thing you can do was look at her dumbfounded, you gasp before yelling out "No you did not !". She nods her head and shows you her phone which had the tickets, you saw your seat numbers and "love yourself tour" was written on the top, you look at her and tears start to build up in your eyes. You always dreamt of meeting them and now it was actually going to happen.

"When did you think of this?" You ask her, still in shock from the news you just heard. "I've been planning on buying them since they announced their new tour will be held in April, and plus I know you've loved them forever" she looks at you waiting for a reply since she knows you don't like to get expensive gifts.

"but I should have bought my ticket, it's expensive and yo-" she quickly cuts you off " No! You've helped me through a lot and this is a small thank you, also your birthdays coming up so take it as your birthday present "

You look at her, tears fall from your eyes and she quickly pulls you into a warm hug. " thank you " you say sniffling. She pushes you back and holds your shoulder tightly, " We're gonna fucking meet BTS!" She yells and you burst out laughing.

You both lay on your bed imagining how magical that night was going to be, oblivious that that night was going to change your lives forever...

Yay my first chapter !!!
I hope you enjoyed ♥️
The next chapter is hopefully gonna be released next week :)

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