08 : Disappointment.

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Ryujin turns the shower knob off as she's done bathing.

She woke up very early today, thanks to her new morning practice routine. Being a badminton player is not as easy as it seems.

The omega quickly removes her shower cap and steps outside the area, admiring her naked figure that's visible on the wall mirror before clutching her towel to dry herself up, her jasmine scent flowing through the air

Since her dear roommate is the laziest person on the face of earth when it comes to calling the repairman, she took it upon herself to call him. They said they'll come this week, till then Ryujin had installed this temporary lock system.

It's a weird method of hooking the knob with the chain outside. Don't ask to explain clearly - she doesn't know herself what she has done, she only knows that it works and is sufficient till the repairman comes. She didn't ask Beomgyu about anything though, and seems like he doesn't have a problem with it either because he uses it too.

But they're not on talking terms - well, because of some developments that have taken place.

Nonetheless, she dries herself, wrapping the towel around her torso, the cloth barely reaching her mid-thigh. She'll have to leave like this to her room because she forgot her clothes. Not her fault - her brain doesn't work at this hour of dawn.

The omega holds the knob to open the door and pulls it, but to her confusion it doesn't open. She furrows her brows and tries to pull it again, the door knob rattles but doesn't open. Then she realises - it's stuck!

Panic washes over her when she flicks it a few times yet it's of no avail. No no no no no! What do I do now?! She tries a few more times, still unsuccessful, the door didn't budge at all. Fuck.

With each unsuccessful tug, her sense of urgency heightens. This was clearly not the time for a stuck door. If she doesn't get out on time, she'll be late for her practice and she doesn't want to face Yoongi's wrath. She can't even call Beomgyu for help because it's five in the morning and he's obviously sleeping.

What an amazing luck, Ryujin. She groans at her thought. She has to wait for him to wake up — fucking great. She needs to do something.

So she starts banging on the door. Even more great. God has gifted all the brains in the world to Ryujin and Ryujin only.

It's been around four-five minutes of her constant banging but no results. She regrets even closing the door in the first place, should've showered with it open. "So intelligent Ryu, so fucking intelligent!"

Then she hears the sound of feet shuffling and the faint smell of chocolate that follows. "Yes!" She jumps with relief.

"Ryujin?" Beomgyu's gruff morning voice is on the other side of the door and she swears she has never been happier to hear him.

She's about to respond with an enthusiastic yes but remember they're not on talking terms. So she clears her throat instead. "Yes."

"Why are you having sex so early in the morning?" He mumbles with a yawn, half asleep and Ryujin shoots an offended look which he obviously cannot see. "Who's in there with you?"

For a moment, Ryujin is a little surprised that he's talking to her normally after days of them not talking to each other since the Jeongho incident. But maybe he's sleepy and doesn't remember that in this state. "Nobody's here with me." She defends herself.


Her eyes go wide with the thought of him perceiving something else. "No! I wasn't doing anything questionable, I'm just stuck! The door is not opening and—"

𝐜𝐨𝐜𝐨 𝐣𝐚𝐬𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐞; 𝐛𝐞𝐨𝐦𝐫𝐲𝐮 ✓Where stories live. Discover now