09 : Jersey?

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Beomgyu carefully removes his reading glasses, feeling the weight of the day settle on his tired eyes. 

He rubs them cautiously, very well knowing it's not right as it may cause infection or anything but the strain was itching. Reading his dad's company's stock reports is not interesting but he must stay updated. Besides, he has to read a few economics articles afterwards anyway.

He got the bathroom door fixed to avoid any future accidents like today. 

Speaking of today, it was one of the most eventful days of Beomgyu's life. The news of Ryujin slapping Jeongho spread like wildfire across twitter, and to be honest, he's much more happy than he should be. 

As if that wasn't enough, what has caused even more uproar is Korea University's badminton player Kim Haneul making a bold statement that she can easily defeat SNU's Shin Ryujin in the upcoming Tinker Golds.

Ryujin however, had stayed quiet and not responded to it, which Beomgyu thinks is very wise, Ryujin might have plans to show her game to Haneul in the match only. It's not good for players to involve in such drama.

His train of thoughts get interrupted he hears a high note followed by a faint crash. Of fuck, he didn't realise when did Ryujin come back. He quickly gets up to leave his room and check.

Needless to say, Beomgyu widens his eyes seeing her standing — no dancing — on top of their dining table, holding a beer bottle as mic and singing — is it Jennie's song? Most probably yes.

"Are you drunk?" It's the first thing the ravenette asks as soon as he smells alcohol covering her jasmine scent while approaching her. 

But seems like she didn't hear him because— "I love you and me~" She moves her body to the lyrics she's singing, clearly unaware of the other person who's walking to her as she flips her hair in all directions. "Dancing in the moonlight~ Nobody can see—"

"Ryujin!" He shouts to get her attention. It worked because she stops to look at him. Now that he takes a better look, her cheeks are dusted red, hair a lot disheveled, and a hard time standing still on the table. She's definitely drunk.

"Why are you drunk?" With hands folded across his chest, now standing exactly in front of her and she has to look down to meet his eyes, well, she's way higher. "Don't you know alcohol is illegal inside the campus?"

"Here's the stupid alpha again, lecturing me." She huffs and says in a shaky voice.

"How did you get this?" He asks, ignoring her previous remarks and taking the bottle of beer away from her reach.

The omega narrows her eyes, annoyed that her mic has been taken away. "I have my sources that I'm not obliged to tell youuu~!"

Beomgyu sighs at the reply. He doesn't have energy left after a whole hectic day to deal with a drunken, bratty girl now. But it's Ryujin— he can't leave her like this too.

"Okay fine, enough," he says and holds out his hand for her to take. "Step down."

"No!" She swats his hand away, and her next words leave him the most shocked he has ever been in his life: "Pick me."

If his eyes weren't wide earlier, they definitely are now. Did I hear it right? He doesn't need to think for an answer as she's speaking again with a playful defiance. "C'mon, pick me up!"

The alpha pinches his forehead with two fingers, totally tired of her shit. If she weren't drunk right now, he'd fight her. For real. But that's not the case on hand and he has her sitting on the table with open arms, ready to be picked. Fuck my life.

𝐜𝐨𝐜𝐨 𝐣𝐚𝐬𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐞; 𝐛𝐞𝐨𝐦𝐫𝐲𝐮 ✓Where stories live. Discover now