12 : Home.

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Beomgyu regrets coming to the hospital. Maybe not that much, but it's still there.

"Something has dug into it, as a result of which there's a wound." The veterinary doctor, Kim Jisoo, says after inspecting the cat.

She's an alpha with a scent of roses, voice surprisingly deep — and can Ryujin not look at her with practical heart eyes? Beomgyu grows a little irritated causing the said alpha to raise a brow at him. She must have picked his sour scent.

"Will it be okay?" He quickly asks, covering up the sourness with worry to which the doctor smiles.

"Yes, brought on time, it'll be fine within a few days. We can drop it to animal shelter for full recovery." She addresses both of them but Ryujin doesn't reply, still swooning over the doctor.

"Thanks, doctor Kim." Beomgyu gives a genuine smile and looks at the omega in the room. "Shall we go?"

She still didn't budge! Jisoo looks at the scene with amused eyes while Beomgyu pinches his nose and calls again, sternly this time. "Ryujin."

"H-huh?" She breaks out of her trance and blinks a few times, looking repeatedly between both the alphas and realizing that she was staring. "Oh, fuck, I mean—" she clears her throat, "Yes, thank you, Ms. Kim."

"You're welcome, sweetheart." The older female smiles and Ryujin blushes at the simple nickname. She stands up to leave and Beomgyu is thankful that at least she didn't drool.

"See y-you around!" The omega remarks before leaving while Jisoo just laughs.

"Gosh you're so embarrassing!" Beomgyu grumbles once they're out as he wastes no time walking to the elevator, which is a little far.

Ryujin has a hard time catching up with him. "Can't blame me! How do you expect me to react when I'm in a room with an alpha as breathtaking as her— slow down for fuck's sake!"

"You're disgusting, she's probably way older." He's still annoyed, doesn't even know why. Yes, he's totally not bothered with her finding another alpha goodlooking. Definitely.

"I suddenly don't mind an age gap of six-seven years." She says with starry eyes — which he can't see because he's walking ahead "—why are you so fast?! Stop!"

"Can't. Gotta leave from here early—" he wants to leave as quick as possible but stops when he feels a tug on his sleeve. 

He looks back to maybe throw another comment but halts immediately as he sees her pouting, clutching at his sleeve and pointing at the other direction, looking ever so adorable. 

"I'm hungry, can we eat first?" She asks, not realizing what inner turmoil he's suffering from. Ofcourse, he couldn't say no.


"Do you want more?" Beomgyu inquires, sitting across from her at the hospital cafeteria table, observing her peacefully slurping her noodles.

Ramen was the only thing available at this time and what could be better than it. There aren't any students around, only soft murmurs of the hospital staff surrounding them.

"No," she manages to say between her slurps. He got to know that she didn't eat anything after lunch because she headed straight to the practice.

"You shouldn't overwork," he mumbles softly. "At least don't skip meals."

She hums, not wanting to break her eating session. Although she knows he's right, she has been overworking a lot but you can't really blame her. She's just completing her daily tasks.

And Beomgyu doesn't need to care, he shouldn't even be paying attention to what she does. It's her life. That's what she tells herself when she feels herself getting giddy at his words. They don't talk until Ryujin finishes her bowl.

𝐜𝐨𝐜𝐨 𝐣𝐚𝐬𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐞; 𝐛𝐞𝐨𝐦𝐫𝐲𝐮 ✓Where stories live. Discover now