A little sister time, is good for the soul

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Honestly speaking, I was kinda crestfallen to return back. Throughout the whole journey the memories kept flashing in my head and I could feel myself smiling. I love travelling(even though I haven't done it much), exploring new places. The sceneries outside added with the music playing on my headphones are a perfect combination for my perfect journey. After long hours of travelling, we finally set foot on our doorstep.I was both relieved and sad. Relieved that I would finally be able to lay on my comfy bed. And sad cause I've returned to my normal life again. I wish that everything that was going on here is over as Jen has said. Anyways I've missed school for two days now and people might have forgotten about it by now, I guess.

Now I have to think how I'm gonna face Ryan.

By the time we reached home it was nearly midnight. As lazy as I am, I decided to skip school for one more day and complete my sleep. I think Ali might do that too. I forgot to talk to her about it but I'm pretty much sure that she will.

I was in such deep sleep that I didn't realise until I woke up, the time was already 11:00 am. But I slept peacefully. I headed downstairs to see if others were awake. The house seemed empty. I went to Ali's room to find that she was still asleep.

I made my way towards the kitchen where a piece of paper on the counter caught my attention. I picked it up to find that it was a note from Mom and Dad.

" Hey honey, we just thought not to wake you up. So we left this note. Me and your dad has to set off for our work. Just wanted you to know that lunch is in the fridge. Take care and don't fight with Ali as you two are the only ones in the house.
Mom & dad"

So typical Mom and Dad, their work is their life. As I woke up already late I decided to skip breakfast and have what people usually call a 'brunch'.

"Hey sis, what's up?" Ali said emerging from behind.

"Oh hey Ali, don't you think you are a little early today." I said in the same sarcastic way she used to say me.

"Haha, very funny."

"Hey, by the way we have the whole house to ourselves today. Mom and Dad left."

"What! Really?" Excitement drooping from her words.
"Omg , what are we gonna do the whole day? Not that I'm complaining, I've a great plan."

"Yeah but first listen to my plan. Bath. You stink." I lied in an attempt to tease her. Hey, but I was serious about the bathing part.

"Yeah. Whatever." And off she goes to her room. Frankly speaking, I was in need of a bath too. So I headed to my room, took out my outfit and went for a shower, a cold, relaxing shower.

I spent a whole lot of my time in the shower. As I came out and reached for my phone, I saw two missed calls from Jen. Oops! So much had happened yesterday that I forgot to call her. I immediately called her back as it must be the lunch break now in school.
Our conversation lasted for half an hour, I guess cause she had to leave for class. I told everything to her in bits and pieces. She was eager to learn more about Aiden and that she was glad she'll meet me tomorrow. I also heard some boy talking to her while she was speaking to me over the phone. When I asked, she told me it was Jacob. Uh huh!

Oh! I nearly forgot about Ali. I rushed downstairs to find her sitting on the couch with FRIENDS playing on the TV.
"Hey, how could you watch it without me?"

She paused the TV, in order not to miss anything out and said." I did go to call you , but you were busy with Jen, so..."

"Okay, fine. Now that you've paused it lets grab the lunch. I'm hungry as hell. "

I opened the fridge to find two cheeseburgers. I quickly heated it and served for us to eat.

"Oh my god! I love Chandler." She said laughing her heart out and diving into her popcorn. I am always reminded of Lara Jean and Kitty's relationship when I see Ali and myself. I love them.

We watched FRIENDS for so long that we didn't realise it was nearly 4 in the evening. Ali faced me and I could see her eyes glowing. Maybe she had something in her mind. And yeah, being her elder sister it didn't take me long to understand what it was. We exchanged a mischievous smile and yelled "Let's bake"

I really am very lazy but when it comes to baking or showering, I don't know where this energy comes within me. We decided on to make my special mint chocolate chip cookies(as requested by Ali).

Ali turned on the speaker and tuned to the One Direction playlist. We were singing and dancing wildly along the beats of the song. One Direction songs are really great to groove.
"So get out, get out, get out my head
And fall into my arms instead
I don't, I don't, don't know what it is
But I need that one thing
"And you've got that one thing. "

Just as the song finished, the oven made a sound indicating that the cookies were ready. I put on the gloves and carefully took them out.

"Careful Ali, they are still hot." I warned Ali when she went to pick up one and taste.

"Umm... Not bad, I did a pretty good job." She said patting her back, clearly impressed at her work.

"Stop being dramatic, we did it "together". I said.

"Okay okay. "

" I'm taking my share of cookies to my room, I need to catch up with all the school work that I missed and I suggest you should do the same."

"Yeah yeah. I'll do it." She said rolling her eyes.

Then I went into my room and at first I started coping my English work from the notes that I took from Jen.

I took a bite out of the cookies and Ali was right, they really were amazing. While eating I started remembering that these were Ryan's favourites and how the last time we had so much fun talking and laughing with each other. I just wish that everything would turn back to normal and tomorrow when I go to school everyone had forgotten about it.

After about 2 hours of doing my work, I was really tired and decided to take a break. So I laid myself into my bed and started scrolling through my phone. Just then I saw that I had a missed call from Aiden. I called him back.

"Hey Aiden."

"Twila... I thought you forgot me after going back to New York."

"Oh it's not like that.. I was just doing my school work."


We kind of talked for what seemed like hours. With Aiden I always feel so comfortable and easy to talk, although it's only been a few days meeting him. Finally we said our goodbyes and I started doing my work again. After some time Mom called for dinner. She and Dad had arrived almost an hour ago. After having the meal I brushed my teeth and went to sleep, hoping everything goes alright at school tomorrow.

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