Chapter 6

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We reached school, and Ali and I both went in our own ways. I spotted Ryan who was standing at the hallway with his group of friends. As I was walking down the hallway smiling, totally lost thinking about him, I saw Jen standing near my locker, facing downwards. I went near and waved at her.

"Hey Wassup?" I said chirpily.

"Hey. " She greeted monotonously. It's been many years since I've know Jen and never in any of these years have I seen my only best friend being this low. I became very sure that something was really wrong.

"Jen, what's wrong? You've been ignoring my messages and calls lately, also why have you been missing school?"

She broke down into tears. I gave her sometime and waited for her to answer my question. Just then she started wiping off her tears and started speaking.

"You were right Twila. I should've listened to you "

"Right about what?? Can you please keep it straight forward " I asked her in a worried tone.

She said broken-heartedly. "It's about Tyson. He dumped me. After our date night, I tried calling him several times. But he ignored me. After numerous tries, he at last picked up. When I asked him why he was ignoring me, he said he doesn't have any feelings for me. He was just given a dare to take the first girl he saw in the cafeteria on a date. And turns out that it was me."

"Oh Jen, see I told you about this. But there's no use regretting now. What's done is done. You cannot change it. I know you are much stronger than this. You can't get yourself down because of some stupid boy. But I am seriously mad at you. You didn't even feel the need to tell me about this?? Don't you consider me as your friend??"

"Twils it's not like that,you know you are my best friend. I am sorry, I was completely broken. I didn't know what to do."

"Okay, it's fine. But promise me that if anything like this happens again, I should be the first one to know. "

"Pinky Promise."

"C'mon now, wipes away your tears. You already look like a weirdo with all your mascara spread on your face."

"Shut up." And we both burst out laughing. Gosh! I have missed my best friend.

"Let's head to our classes now " I said.

Seeing Jen's condition I decided to keep the previous night's incident to myself as of now. I guess I'll tell her when the right time comes.

We both sat on our usual front seats. Before taking my seat, I saw Ryan in the last row talking with the moron, Tyson. He saw me looking and I smiled at him, but he didn't reply. I was pretty sure he noticed me but why did he then ignore me. I was really confused. Just then Summer, the bitch with her two stupid companions by her side entered the classroom. I really feel sad watching both of them together, on top of that its the only class that I share with him which I have to spend seeing Summer getting all touchy over him.

I saw her making the way towards Ryan.

"Hey babe. Do you even know how much I missed you today?" She said to him making her stupid pouty face trying to act cute, instead she just looked like a monkey.

"Jeez, Summer we just talked like a few minutes ago. Could you stop being so over dramatic, and what is there to be so touchy all the time. Couldn't you just keep your hands to yourself. You really piss me off sometimes." Ryan said to her in an angry tone. Hearing all of this, the entire class started bursting off in loud laughters. Even I and Jen couldn't control ourselves.

Just then Miss Mason entered and settled the class. Summer's red face was worth watching. She also sat down on her seat with her two sidekicks.

As the bell rang I went to my locker to keep my books. Then I saw Ryan too standing near his locker across the hallway. He was there alone, so I thought it would be the best opportunity to ask him why he was actually in my room the previous night. At first I called him but I guess he didn't hear me, so I made my way towards him. But just as I was about to approach him, Summer came and took him with her. And here I lost one more chance to talk to him.


Author's note :
Hey guys!!! What's up??? Hope you are enjoying the story so far. Here's a shout out to 'nousinanam '. Thank you so much for the cover. We loved it. You too can send us covers. We would really appreciate it. Also the song that we have added in the beginning of the chapter is dedicated to Twila and Jen's friendship. So what do you think is going to happen in the next chapter ? Let us know in the comments section. Also follow, vote and share our story and help us grow. Till the take care, adios amigos.

Love :)
Nadiya and Neha

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