"Never wished him to notice me"

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That day I couldn't really concentrate in school. By this time, this news has reached the ears of almost every student in school. And suddenly everyone starts noticing me. I hate that. Worst of all was that they think I just made up these stories. They couldn't accept the fact that a popular guy like Ryan would visit a nerd like me. Well, I don't blame them for that. I myself can't believe this in the beginning either. I don't know what to do now, I've never been in a situation like this before. I can't deal with their trolls anymore.

The lunch bell rang, Jen and I sat on our usual tables. As we sat down, I could hear the whisperings of all the students. Even when I was walking on the hallways they didn't stop. Few hours back they didn't even notice I existed and now, well I guess I'm famous. Haha, the perks of falling in love with the famous quarterback.

I just felt like running away from all of this drama.

"Hey Twils, everything's gonna be alright. This drama is only for one day, by tomorrow everyone will forget about this." Jen said and brought me out of my thoughts.

"No Jen, you don't know Summer.....she's crazy, and one thing I know for sure is that she can't keep her cool seeing Ryan with just some other girl. She is very possessive about him. Did you see the look she had on this morning when she heard us talking about Ryan? What if she goes and make fake stories about me? Oh god! Ryan has probably started hating me by now."

Just then Ryan and his group of friends came and sat on their popular tables. Summer was clinging onto Ryan's arm, saying him something but he was in no mood for giving her any attention. Suddenly he looked over his shoulder and saw me staring, but he didn't give any reaction and turned away.

"Did you see that Jen?? He hates me now."

"C'mon Twila, you're overthinking now. It's nothing like that. You are just tensed up. I think you should go home, it will be better for you."

"I guess you're right, but I have never ditched school. Besides what about Ali?"

"It's okay to ditch school for once, and as of Ali, you don't need to worry about her. I'll drop her home."

"Okay thanks, but please don't tell Ali about it right now. I don't want to set a bad example for her by ditching school for boy problems."

"Okay fine. I'll tell her that you were not feeling well, so you went home. Will that be okay?."

"Yeah. Thanks Jen again for always having my back. I don't know how I would've survived without you."

"Oh, I know I'm great. Now go."

As soon as the bell rang, I hurried my way out of school towards the car. That's when I saw Ryan in the school's parking lot, smoking . I really wanted to talk to him and right now it seemed to be the best opportunity as he was all alone. So I ran up to him and called him.

"Hey Ryan, I really need to talk to you." I said to him breathlessly.

"But I don't want to." He said rudely and started walking away from me. But suddenly stopped midway and turned around.

"Oh by the way, how do you feel now that everyone has started noticing you. That's what you really wanted, right? To become popular. Well congratulations on that." He said sarcastically and walked inside the school.

And here I was standing all alone by myself in the school parking lot, crying over the only boy I've ever loved. If only I knew the consequences of him noticing me, I would have never wished that he noticed me.

Author's note:
Hey guys!! Are you liking the story so far?? What do you think is gonna happen next?? Let us know in the comments section. Also follow, vote and share our story and help us grow. We'll meet you guys in the next chapter. Till then take care. Adios Amigos.

Love :)
Nadiya and Neha.

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