Chapter 25: Finally

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Chapter 25: Finally

I used to hate Chemistry class, since Cole wasn't in it. But now, it's like heaven. Ariana wasn't in it, neither is Cole or Diane. Plus, there's Noah.

I walked to Chemistry class on a hot Wednesday afternoon with a slight frown and sweat on my forehead. To avoid Carson I had to take the long way to class, since he'd waiting for me at my locker because I always go to my locker before going to Chemistry. To avoid Carson and going to my locker, I got my books after lunch so that I didn't have to go back. But Carson anticipated that I was going to avoid him and ended up chasing me until I ran into the girls' washroom. Finally he got sent to class by a teacher, and I escaped. I felt so bad, always running from Carson, he wasn't that bad. And some parts of me admits that he would be a good boyfriend, but the other part rejects the idea entirely.

"How lovely for you to join us, Miss Pierce."

I stopped walking immediately and looked around me, I was already in the classroom....and everyone was looking at me. Including Noah, who just looked amused. I think I liked him better when he was sad and shy.

"Sorry Mr. Whitmoore. I wasn't aware of my surroundings." I apologized quickly before running to my seat.

"You're late." Noah whispered to me, as if that wasn't obvious already.

"Nooooooo," I replied sarcastically, pretending to look shocked.

He smirked and whispered, "Captain sassy." I smirked to myself, same old Noah, I guess we were okay.

"Well, I think I'll let it pass this time since you're always early."

I looked back at Mr. Whitmoore and sighed with relief, "Thank you so much Mr. Whitmoore."

After he waved me off and started talking about our big project, I turned to Noah and asked him about what I had missed. "Not much," he responded without even looking at me, "Just project talk." I examined him from the corner of my eye, something was different. I couldn't put my finger on it, but something changed about Noah. He looked...almost serene. There was a glint of happiness in his blue eyes, those blue eyes that were looking right at me.

"Can I help you with something? Because the staring is kinda creepy." I immediately looked away, color rising to my cheeks. And without even looking, I knew that Noah was smirking, and I also knew at least one thing in my life was back to the way it was.


After chemistry class, I was immediately greeted by Carson.

"Hey Scar," he said rather cheerfully. I looked at him, he looked so hopefully yet stubborn, and after amending things with Noah (sort of) I decided that I wasn't going to run away from Carson anymore.

"Carson, will you ever give up?" Carson looked surprised, probably because he was expecting me to skid away as soon as I saw him.

"No, I won't ever give up." he said firmly.

I smiled a genuine smile. "Then I guess I have no choice but to give in."

He looked at me with an arched eyebrow, as if I was joking with him. "Seriously? Does that mean you'll give me a chance?"

I nodded, "I can't run away from you forever, we just need to talk about this. Meet me afterschool at 4 in the park, you know, the one we use to play in with Nate with the weird benches? Yeah, that one."

He laughed, "The park where you pushed me off when I was trying to climb the fire fighter pole?" I nodded, and smiled proudly in memory. "Okay, thank you, Scar." He looked like he was tempted to hug me or say something else but decided against it and walked to his next class.

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