Chapter 21: The Dates; Part 3

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CHAPTER 21: The Dates; Part 3

***Scarlet's P.O.V.***

"Betsi don't you dare shut that door or I swear-" I was cut off by Betsi shutting the door in my face. Great. I didn't hold it against her or anything but I really wished she'd told me about her date so I could forget about mine. I leaned against the wall before sinking onto the floor. I was still in the damn dress from my date. I couldn't believe what an oblivious idiot I'd been about pretty much everything. I wasn't even sure I could tell Betsi about the whole date because I hadn't even mentioned what happened with Noah to her and it was all part of my distress.

Stupid Carson.

I thought, but really, I should've been thinking, 'Stupid Scarlet,' because it was really all my fault. I couldn't have bee more oblivious to Carson if I'd tried. To think, he... I can't even say it, it bothers me so much. How does a girl completely miss all those signs that MUST'VE been there, nobody can hide a secret like that without dropping a few hints and I'd missed ALL of them!

I got up and went into my room, collapsing on my bed. My alarm clock read ten thirty meaning my night had started its downwards spiral just over four hours ago. Now that there was no one to talk to, nothing to occupy myself well enough to ignore it and nothing else to think about, the only thing there was to look at was the undeniably amazing flower on my desk, which only reminded me of my date. Against my will, it replayed in my head.

***Just Over Four Hours Ago***

Devin was a few minutes early meaning I was all alone in that little window of panic before Carson arrived even though I shouldn't be panicked. Betsi was so excited for her date, I couldn't let myself ruin that for her and let her go with all of MY worries and MY doubts and MY problems weighing her down.

So I said nothing. I let her run to the door and hurry to grab her purse and wave a somewhat rushed goodbye to me before getting in Devin's car. If he tried anything he was dead. But then again, I knew how he felt about her and about  how she felt about him and I knew he wasn't sleazy or anything so the likelihood of him trying anything was low.

Which allowed my thoughts to swirl back into clustered, frantic groupings of thoughts about my date with Carson, last night's date with Cole and my scene with Noah. Shit! Give it up Scar! I thought to myself, it's all one-time stuff and I just have to explain to Cole that we're over and will not be getting back together and to Noah that I just like him as a friend. Unless I liked him more then that.

Damn it!

I probably won't even stay in touch with any of them except possibly Carson if he stays in touch with Nate. Not helping! I mentally chided myself. I jumped as the doorbell rang for two reasons. One; I was lost enough in my thoughts that I hadn't been expecting it and two; Carson never rang the doorbell.

Not only did he own his own key to our house, he also knew where we kept our spare so even if he forgot his he could just let himself in.

Cautiously, I opened the door, ready to slam it if it was some creepy stranger.

But it was Carson standing there, holding a single, perfect purple lilac.

Really, that should've been the first warning bell but my brain didn't really process that. "Hi Carson, did you lose your key?" I asked, relieved he wasn't some creepy stranger. He laughed a little uncertainly and handed me the flower but I didn't understand why he was laughing.

"It's for you, I know they're your favourites," purple lilacs actually were my favourites and I was touched that he knew that, although, practically living at my house, even mostly with Nate, he probably knew some strange things about me.

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