Chapter 22: Confession

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Chapter 22: Confession

***Scarlet's P.O.V.***

"You are going to tell me everything that happened on that date of yours, or so help me god, I WILL track Devin down myself and tie him to a tree naked until he spills his darkest secrets." I said to a dripping wet Betsi outside of the bathroom.

She rolled her eyes and gave in, "Fine. But you have to tell me about your date with Carson. Deal?"

I hesitated, and considered the deal; do I really want to pry into my best friend's life and in exchange tell her that my brother's best friend may be in love with me?

I shrugged, what the hell. I shook hands with Betsi and followed her to my bean bags, where we used to talk until the dawn came.

"Spill." I demanded.

She snuggled in and made one of her "cocoons", (as she calls them) and began to recap her date. After she finished telling me everything, I was impressed at how Devin treated her. I could tell that Betsi was mentally doing her happy dance from her crazy grin.

"Sounds nice, think you're gonna go out with him again?" I asked, shaking her out of her little Devin-day dream.

"Yeah?" she said absent-mindedly. "Wait, what were we talking about? Oh, right, what happened with you and Carson?"

I wasn't expecting Betsi to turn the table on me, so I froze on the spot, not wanting to try to recall what had happened tonight with me and Carson.

"Um, nothing much." I replied. It wasn't a complete lie; nothing had happened, just Carson revealing his love for me.

"The guy didn't admit his burning love for you?" Betsi said it teasingly, but it still got to me. Seeing my expression change, Betsi quickly realized what had happened. "OH.MY.HEAVENS. So he did admit it! Why didn't you tell me? I knew it! I knew it!"

I groaned, "I'm sorry, I ran out after he admitted it, and I just couldn't tell you over texting."

She calmed down a bit and looked at me sympathetically, "Nah it's fine, I forgive you, since I might have used up all of your shampoo."

I laughed at her apology and decided to tell her everything, she is after all my best friend. So I told her everything, and I mean everything. After telling Betsi everything, I felt relieved, like a huge boulder has just been lifted off my shoulders. Betsi and I lapsed in silence for about 20 seconds, and by the time she finally spoke I gave a sigh of relieve.

"So, wait. You kissed Noah on the same day that you kissed Cole. And then the day after that, your brother's best friend confesses his love for you?" Betsi asked even though we both knew the answer.


She let out a low whistle and ran her fingers through her hair, "Then you missy, are in a ton of trouble."

She was right, I was in trouble. "I know, I just don't know who to pick."

"Then I'll give you my opinion. Screw Cole, he had his chance with you and even though he didn't mess it up, it's god's way of telling you that Cole isn't the right guy."

"What about Noah and Carson?" I asked.

"Well personally I-" she stopped in the middle of her sentence and looked at something behind me. I turned around and looked in the direction she was looking at and saw the purple lilac Carson had given me. "Where did that come from?" Betsi stood up to go take a closer look at the flower.

"Um, it's from Carson." I replied truthfully.

She smelled it and smiled, "Well that's just perfect."

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