Chapter 3: Sneezing and Cheating

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Chapter 3: Sneezing and Cheating


I groaned and reached over to snooze my alarm.


Ugh... why is it 7AM already?

As I sat up in my bed a wave of nausea hit me like a tidal wave. Suddenly, I coughed, again and again until I thought I was going to cough my lungs out. Oh no, no no no no! I'm sick! I have a tutoring session today! As well cheerleading practice! Ariana is going to KILL me if I miss another practice this week!

I called Carson immediately and waited for him to pick up. "Come on," I said, forgetting that it was 7AM in the morning.

"Hello?" he said groggily.

"Carson? Sorry to wake you," I managed to say before a cough attack, "I'm sick, so I don't think I can make it today."

"Oh, sorry to hear that. How about I come over after school, so we can study?" He suggested.

"Are you sure?" I said, "I don't want to change your plans, and I might be a little," I pause, interrupted by a cough attack, "contagious." I finish.

"Don't worry about it Scar, I'm sure. See you at four?"

"Yeah, and thanks so much!" I say, ending with a sneeze.

"No problemo, Scar, rest up today." he said, then hung up.

I sighed and dove back into bed, my head pounding. Carson was like a brother to me, he's always been there for me. I still remember how he used to read me stories so that I'd fall asleep, and how he and my brother would fight about who gets to read me a story first brought a smile to my face before I sneezed like hurricane Katrina.

"Nate!" I yelled in a weak voice. "I'm sick! I'm gonna stay home today, ok?" I heard a muffled ok, then the door slam. Nate has early football practice. And it's 7:15, meaning both of my parents already left for their jobs. Looks like I was on my own.

After I took some medicine, I went to our small TV room, still in my jammies, which is basically a large sweatshirt and some shorts, to watch some Bring It On movies. They're my secret weapon for getting rid of colds. The movies are so ridiculously hilarious but also gives me some ideas at the same time. We have a big game coming up in a few weeks and I've already came up with some moves for the new routine in the first 10 minutes.

Armed with some popcorn, I sat down to watch and snuggled with two blankets. Halfway during the movie, my phone buzzed.


I laughed at her text and wrote back immediately.

ME: yes

I got a reply within the next 30 seconds.

BETS: Haha, arent u the comedian? Nate told me u're sick, u lucky girl. Call me later and i'll bring over ice cream!

After replying a quick 'okay' I turned my attention back to the movies. I tried to stay awake to watch the whole movie, but somewhere in the middle, I fell asleep. Before I knew it, Carson was gently shaking me awake. He actually has his own copy of our house key because he comes over so much.

"Hey Scar, you hungry? I brought Chinese, your favorite." He tempted with a bag of Lucky Dragon's.

He knew me so well.

After I scarfed down my food , in a very unladylike manner, might I add, we finally got down to studying. It was harder in the first session, but now it seemed slightly easier. We got bored after 2 hours, and my annoying cough finally went away. But he insisted on making me chicken soup, or at least attempting to.

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