Chapter 16: The Art of Getting Through an Awkward Conversation

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Chapter 16: The Art of Getting Through an Awkward Conversation

I woke up Monday morning, feeling giddy and nervous at the same time to see Carson. Will he remember last night? How will he react? What will I do if he doesn't remember? Will he ignore me?

I pushed these thoughts away. Carson will react the way he will react, but I'm still edgy about it.

I walked into school looking for Betsi. I found her by her locker looking tired and dishevelled. There was no doubt she was hungover, absent-mindedly, I wondered if she went to another party this weekend or whether she just drank A LOT on Friday.

"Hi Betsi." I murmured, not wanting her to freak out.

She winced at how loud my voice was, which was not loud at all, "Could you please don't speak so loud? Ugh, I'm never drinking again" She groaned, "This is horrible"

"You say that every time, yet, every time you party, you drink." I reminded her helpfully. She just glared.

"Whatever," She muttered, "What happened to you at the party?"

"Well, Carson kind of cornered me.."

"Yeah, and?"

"He kind of tried to, um, a very low level of rape... I guess?"

"No way! He had to be drunk. The Carson I know would NEVER do that. It's his feelings for you combined with alcohol that made him do it!" she winced at her own voice and put a hand to her ear.

"No, just the alcohol. Carson does not have a crush on me. I keep telling you. Ya never listen!"

"Well, it's true so don't- wait... HE TRIED TO RAPE YOU!!!" She shrieked, earning us worried glances from everyone in the hall and more then one 'What the hell?' look.

"You just caught that? He tried to kiss me, and yeah..." I scratched the back of my neck, feeling very awkward.

She gasped. " I really don't know what to say." she murmured, "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, yeah, I'm fine.. he didn't "enter the forbidden forest" or anything.... ANYWAYS, I'll catch you later I guess..." I trailed off, then, walked away.

Later that day, going to lunch, I ran into the one person I'd been trying to avoid. Carson.

"Hey Scar!" He exclaimed.

"Oh, hey Carson." I muttered, and kept on walking, hoping to lose him, but in vain, as he followed me.

"So, what happened Friday night? I was kind of... drunk..." He rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly. "All I remember is kind of talking to you. Did I talk to you? Or was I just REALLY drunk?"

"Oh, you were really drunk," I muttered, but Carson didn't hear it. I wanted to say "Oh you did more than talk" but instead I said, "Oh, um, nothing much. You know, um, drunk teens, those typical wild teenage parties." I mumbled quietly, remembering Friday night. "But I don't recall you talking to me."

"Oh, okay. Well, I'm free tonight, do you want to study for that math test?"

"Actually, I'm busy tonight. Maybe some other time. I'll see you later Carson." I excused myself and hurried off.


Carson's P.O.V.

I watched Scar scurry off in that controlled but nervous way of hers. What was up with her? I mean, she's acting strange today. Maybe Cole approached her at the party. That stupid bastard. He had no right to do what he did. If I were him, I'd hate myself for hurting Scarlet. She's such a sweet and innocent person, I'd feel terrible if I'd hurt her in the way Cole did.

"Hey man," Said Dylan, a guy from the team.

"What up, bro?" I said, fist pumping him and leaned on my locker.

"Wild party, huh?"


"You don't remember, do you?"

"No, do you?"

"Flashes, some girls in short dresses, beer pong, the usual"

"Really? All I remember is seeing Scarlet, and talking to her, but today she seems on edge. Don't know why."

"Hmm. Maybe something happened at the party."

"Dunno man, gotta go, don't want to be late for class"

"See ya later, Car"

"Yeah man.", and then left, still wondering what was up with Scar.


***Scarlet's P.O.V.***

I was at my locker when Noah came up to me.

"Hi Scarlet. Um, what are you up to?" he asked shyly.

"Nothing much, you?"

"Nothing. I was wondering... if you were free today, after school?"

I froze up, and gave him a strange look. First of all, this was so unlike the shy quiet Noah I'd been getting used to, and second, I only really saw Noah as a potential friend, because I don't really know where we're standing right now.

He saw my expression, "N-no! Not like that, I meant so we could work on our project."

"Oh. That's what I thought." I said.


"Oh shut up." I replied, "Just meet me after school tomorrow in the parking lot, okay?"

"Yeah, sure. Um, who's house are we going to?" he asked me nervously.

I thought about my depressed mother. "Yours."

He didn't ask me why, and left it at that, which I was personally grateful for. 

"Yeah, sure. Um, I have to go now. Bye." said Noah, before scurrying off.

I shook my head. Now that's the Noah I know.


Later, when I was walking to class, I approached by Devin, a kid in the play with Betsi.

"Scarlet? I'm Devin. I need to ask you something.", he said nervously.

"Hi, yeah, I recognize you from Betsi's practices! What do you need to ask?"

"It's about Betsi. Does she, umm, about me?"

"Well, there is the occasional - WAIT. YOU LIKE HER. You totally like her! That's so sweet! I have to get into this!" I squealed loudly, scaring Devin slightly.

"Does she?"

"I have to ask her, give me your number, I'll talk to you later."

"O-okay, thank you." He stuttered, and walked away.

"That was adorable! I wish I had a guy that liked me, and was sweet like that." I sighed dreamily.



Is there another reason behind why Noah wants to hang out?

What will Carson do when he faces Scar?

Something BIG will happen in the next chapter, and I know what...! :p

bye bye for now!


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