Chapter 5: Regrets and Mistakes

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Chapter 5: Regrets and Mistakes

After finishing watching "Marley and Me", Betsi decided to sleepover. I loved her for that, her refusal to leave a friend hanging in dire moments. She didn't even bother to go home and grab her stuff. She borrowed my clothes and got in my bed with me with no intentions of sleeping. Usually at our sleepovers we would give each other blindfolded make overs, play chubby bunny and pull pranks on Nate, but today we just talked. My alarm clock said 12:58 in glowing blue numbers. "Are you sure you're okay?" Betsi asked, she looked worried and a little sad.

"I really thought he was the one. I really, really thought I loved him," I answered meekly, hugging my pillow to my heart.

"Scar, you probably aren't going to meet the 'The One' right now, and plus, you should thank God, he saved you from Cole, who is not 'The One'. He prevented you from spending all that wasted time on Cole. What I meant was, are you sure you're over Cole? He really didn't deserve you,"

"Why does everyone say HE didn't deserve ME? What if, what if I don't deserve him?" I blurted out that last part all in a rush and then clamped my hand over my mouth.

"You avoided my question, Scar," she pointed out.

"You avoided mine too,"

"How can you say you didn't deserve him with a straight face? Have you met yourself? You're sexy as hell, super nice, and super awesome. Cole is never going to be as awesome as you, ask anyone in school!"

"SCHOOL!" I exclaimed as the sudden thought dawned on me. "Oh god, everyone is gonna know we broke up! I'm going to have to face questions and looks and, and-"

"Scar, Scarlett! Calm down. We're okay with people knowing, right? Because you want to leave him, right?" She looked at me carefully; I could tell Betsi wanted me to say that I wanted him to rot in hell, something to that effect.

"I-I-I don't know..." I started crying again, "As terrible as Cole was for cheating on me, he really was sweet when we were dating. I'm not sure I'm ready to let that part of him go."

"Oh, Scar! Why? Can't you see he's not right for you? So what if he's popular? You're popular too, you were popular before you went out with him," Betsi hugged me and tried to wipe the tears from my eyes.

"Betsi, it's not popularity I'm worried about, I really just thought that I was in love, and what if he was the one that got away?" There was a little part of me that couldn't, that wouldn't let go of Cole because what I said was true, even though he cheated on me and couldn't plan a date and all those other things I really always would like him and would be devastated if he was the one and I let him go.

"Scar, please, just let him go. I don't expect you to tonight, he only just cheated on you and you haven't quite gotten through everything but please, try your hardest to let him go as soon as possible... I want you to be happy again, and believe me, you shouldn't be thinking that he's the one that got away. HE should be thinking that YOU are the one who got away."

"I'll try; I'm going to get over him. It's like you said, I just need a little bit of time to work through everything and let him go completely," I smiled a little. My tears had stopped, I wanted to work through it; I'm going to get over Cole. The moment broke apart and Betsi and I went to bed. I was tired and still a bit shocked from seeing Cole cheating, but I also felt really good about telling him what I thought of him. And I meant every word I said. I'm ready to go to school and face the questions and the looks, because it doesn't matter. With those last thoughts I fell soundly asleep.


*Cole's P.O.V*

"What have I ever done to you? Except be a faithful and loyal girlfriend. Am I not pretty enough? Am I not popular enough for you? You know, you could have pushed her off, Cole. I really thought that you weren't what people say say you were, but I was clearly wrong, because you ARE a lying, cheating player. I thought I could change you- no, I thought you could change for me, but I was clearly stupid to think so. Because you never really loved me, did you? Don't ever look at me, talk to me or even think about me, ever again. Good bye Cole Martins."

I stared at my phone, speechless.

What have I done? I thought to myself. Words cannot describe what had happened today. All I feel is numbness, ever since Scar saw me at the party. I didn't even want to go, but my friends convinced me. I got to the party and Scar wasn't there, I assumed Scar would already be there, but when I got there she wasn't there. I looked everywhere for her, I was about to call her when I found that I left my phone at my house. I was still looking around for her when a curvy blonde came my way.

"Shit." I muttered.

"Oh my god! COLE? Cole Martins! Remember me? It's Courtney!" The blonde girl gushed.

"Oh, hey Courtney," I said, completely uninterested. Courtney was one of my old sidepieces, and we stopped seeing each other because she was so boring, always talking about shoes, shopping and clothes. She was always so persistent and she has been following me around everywhere these past few weeks; she even showed up at my house once.

An hour later I was still talking to Courtney, because that girl trapped me in a corner and kept on talking about how excited she was for a new store to open. I was about to shoot myself when I heard someone shout, "YEAH! SCARLETT'S HERE!" And everyone cheered. That's what Scar can do, make everyone love her.

"Look, Courtney, I gotta go. My girlfriend's here." I said, desperately trying to get away from her.

Courtney's face suddenly scrunched up. "Your girlfriend? You mean that bimbo?" She asked, examining her nails as if she plans to scratch someone with them.

"She's not a bimbo, if anyone is it's you!" I yelled at her, completely pissed off that she had wasted my time and insulted my girlfriend. "Why don't you just get out of my way-"

Courtney suddenly cut me off and pulled me into a kiss. I tried to push her away, completely disgusted by her but she held on to me with super human strength.

"Cole?" Someone with a familiar voice whispered behind me.

I whirled around, praying that it's not who I thought it was. Turns out it was. There she was, Scarlett Pierce, my girlfriend, with a look on her face that said hurt, betrayal, and confusion. I could tell that she was sick, because with Scar I always paid extra attention. Even though she was sick with her red nose and roughed lips, she still looked like a Victoria's Secret model.

"Scar? Scar! Wait, I can explain!" I said frantically, trying to get her to listen.

But she ran off, with a piece of my heart. And now, I'm here, alone, after calling her 47 times. Never have I ever felt this depressed, sad, lonely, and regretful. I know I had made a mistake, I always do, but I've never regretted my mistakes as much as this one. And I had I known that Scarlet was 'the one' ever since I saw her, but now she's the one that got away.



Hey Wattpad lovers, hope you like our book so far! It's Jodi here and I hope you hate Cole as much as I do.

When I was writing this chapter I thought of the perfect song: "The One That Got Away" by Katy Perry.

Listen to the song which is posted up there ^^^ and also a picture of Courtney is also posted!

Hoped you guys liked that extremely long chapter and don't forget to vote and comment!

~ Jodi

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