Ch 7 Black Diamond

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> Hi! This chapter will probably be the longest so far, I decided to make it so long, because I have a very difficult time, and I may not post so often. Enjoy! <


The sound of the gems could be heard from the bubble. We stopped immediately. But it didn't stop the inevitable, the gems started to crack. Steven calmed us down, and he told us that maybe he'd solve the problem. He licked both his palms, and he got them hands on each gem, healing them all.

We've given up using that powerful energy. We haven't wanted to use it since, so we're looking for another solution.

With Steven

After we cured the crystal gems, the warrior gems took them back to their cells. I went into my room, and I started to cry really bad. Then, all of a sudden, there was a voice.



It wasn't the voice of any of the diamonds. It was a new voice. Which I've never heard before.


"Who are you? Show yourself!"

My room, light pink, turned black, blacker than paint. It was so dark, I couldn't see anything în front of me. Then a very tall silhouette, even the size of diamonds, perhaps a little taller, approached me.

I was trying to figure out who he was. Then a little light appeared in the room. But not because of the switch, because of a gems that produced light. But it wasn't just any gem. It was a diamond.

Light produced by the gem. It lit up her face. She had the eyes of a very intense black, and a merciless look. She was smiling at me, but not a good smile, an evil one, that would pull her vampire teeth out.

"Hello Steven" she said in a very cold voice, like she was just going to kill me.


"You're afraid of me, aren't you? Heh. I had expected, who knows what they told you about me. "

"W-What.. ?"

"Oh come on! Don't lie to me, I know they told you bad things about me. "

I've been thinking about who this gem might have been, and then I've re-made, if it's a diamond, that means it's Black.

"I-I....." I couldn't say a word. I was too afraid of her. She leaned over, and she told me.

"I'm not going to lie to you. I set it all up, I made everyone hate you. And I'm not going to stop here. You're going to suffer, just like I suffered because of you"

Then it got dark again, opened my eyes, and I saw the Diamonds, looking extremely worried at me. I was on foot. There was blood coming out of my nose and mouth. I got up off the floor. And White took me into her hands

"Steven! Are you all right?! "

"What's this white thing about?! You don't see how it looked, and plus, that substance is leaking out of his nose and mouth!!" Yellow's starting to get angry.

"Guys, I'm fine. "I said while I was wiping my blood.

" Steven, what happened?!" asked Blue.

"I saw Black. She told me she was going to destroy me, just like I destroyed her, but I didn't do anything to her! I didn't even know she even existed!!"

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