Ch 6 A deadly blast

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   I looked at the gem on the table, it had a black spot on the left side. White came to look at it, and then I looked worried at Steven, who was on Blue's shoulder. How many have they looked at the gem.

   "But how can it be! How could she get to them! They are light years away from us!!" said White outraged by the situation.

   I thought for a little while then I took Steven in my hand. I looked straight into his eyes.

   "Steven, what unusual things have you noticed about them? " I said, trying to ignore the bruise on his cheek.

   "Apart from hitting me, and having black gems. Nothing else Yellow."

   "But she doesn't have a black gem. She only has one stain on it," Said Blue, getting down on her knees to reach Steven's height.

   "Who's got the black gem? "asked White, coming next to Steven too.

  " Well, um, Pearl. "

  "Maybe we should just talk the three of us about this, at least for now. I don't think it's right for Steven to be stressed out about this." I said looking at Steven, who was already frustrated by the tense situation.

   "Steven, I think it's time to go to your room, you seem pretty tired."


   "Come on then. " I put him on my shoulder and headed for the door, I got my hands on the doorknob, then I turned to White, and Blue.
   "Try not to kill each other until I come, okay? " then I got out. Hearing my words, Steven was laughing. And I liked that I made him feel a little better.

   "You're very experienced if you know without using anything how many centimeters  you should have a gem.  

  "Heh, you could say so. I've been studying gems for almost 40,000 years. These are just the basics."

   "Seriously?! Wooow!!" he said as he stood on my shoulder.

   "What other things are important?! " said excitedly to find out the answer to his question.

   I walked into the room, put him down and answered his questions.

   "Well, it must have exact centimeters, and the exact color. The shape must be correct. Okay, it also depends on the type of gem."

   "Wow, how cool!! And, how many inches should an amethyst have?" he said, very curious. It's like he's forgotten about his problem. And I was glad I was able to take his mind off Black.

   "Well, an Amethyst should have 8 centimeters wide, and 6 centimeters long"

   "Seriously? "

   "Mhm! But now I think you should sleep, you seem very tired." and saying this, I walked out the door, turning to the observation room. When I entered, White and Blue were waiting for me, with the Amethyst in a bubble.

   It was quiet for a few minutes, then, Blue broke the silence." What do you think we should do? "

   "I'll tell you what we have to do. We have to break these gems. As soon as possible. "said White, with the coldest voice she ever had.

  " We can't do this! Steven will be devastated!! "Blue jumped in defense of the gems.

  " Blue's right White. Steven will be devastated by this situation. We have to find another way. "

   We spent hours thinking about what we could do without hurting Steven's emotions. And we found a good solution. We were going to try to get the black aura out of them. That meant we had to put them in a bubble, and use energy strong enough to get the black aura out.

   It's been a few days since we practiced this energy for a few days. I had to use Our Powers White and Blue at the same time, but not to corrupt, with to repair. It was quite difficult for the three of us to change our powers to get the result. In that time, I didn't talk to Steven at all. Only Blue was still going to him, and he was telling us, it's getting worse. He was crying without being able to stop, because he thought his 'family' wouldn't get better. But one day, we went to him, and we told him about our plan.

   "Seriously?! Can you really do that?! "

   "Yes we can use the blast, but we have to use it with a certain power.. If it's too strong..."

   "I..... I undersant....." he put his head down, understanding what we meant.

   "Would you like to try?" asked White, in a warm voice.

   "Sure.. But you're sure it's not going to break? "

   "If they starts to break, we're going to stop right away," Steven said, and finally Steven agreed and we left for that observation room.

   The gems were in a bubble above the table. I tried, the first time the black spot started to disappeared. And we were all very happy, and Steven even happier.  But the second time we tried, there was a loud sound.


   Gems were breaking.

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