Ch 5 A black sign

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   It had been a few weeks since I was with the Diamonds, and everything was going perfectly. Whenever we had a problem, we helped each other. And we laughed, we joked, we had a good time almost every night. But in one of them. It was an ambush..

   An ambush of the crystal gems. I knew they came after me. But because we wasn't on Earth, the diamonds won the fight, and they put them in the dungeon.

   None of us knew why the gems did what they did, but I knew something. I knew White was hiding something. And she was hiding it very well. Neither Blue nor Yellow, they didn't suspect she was hiding anything, but I knew, from the moment she called me to ask if the gems had anything strange.

   With White
After the rebels were put in jail, I told Steven to take us to his room. After he left, I told Yellow and Blue what I suspected had happened to those gems. And my suspicion was, Black.

   "Do you really believe that?!" said Blue very worried.

   "Yes, after Yellow told me that Steven was lying to me, I realized there was something wrong with it. If only I could see those gems any closer. "

   "Maybe, you can." said Yellow, thinking. "Maybe if we take one of them, and take them to one of my observation rooms, we can see what happens to them. "

   "Do you really think it's going to work? I mean, if it's really Black in the middle, that means they're very aggressive, even if they're small," Blue said, looking at me.

   "We should put them in a bubble then, to make sure that nothing happens. But to be 100 percent sure, let's take two warrior gems with us." said Yellow, heading for the door.

   "Very well. Let's go then." and we left, heading to the dungeons. But on the way to them, we passed Steven's room, Blue stopped, and told us.

   "Maybe you should come and Steve with us? After all, it's about his 'family'."

   "Okay, Blue, you take Steven, and I'm going ahead with Yellow." we've gone ahead talking about what might happen to those gems.

   With Blue
I watched how Yellow and White disappeared around the corner. Then I knocked on Steven's door

   "Steven, are you inside?" It was quiet for a few minutes, and then, I went inside, and I found Steven in a corner, sobbing. I went to him, worried that something had happened to him.

   "Steven! What's the matter?"

   "B-blue... I'm so sorry... I shouldn't have lied to White in the first place.. I should have told the truth, and maybe I wouldn't be here!!"

   I looked at him as he said and cried even louder, and then I took him in my arms. "Steven, it's okay... We know now. We can still solve the problem. Actually, that's what I came for, we wanted you to come with us to see what's happening to them up close.

   He thought about it a little bit, then he said yes. I put him on my shoulder and left for the cells. When we arrived, White and Yellow were trying to find the most offensive of gems. To make it easier for us.

   "Do you think we could take the fusion? "

   "And how are you going to take it White?"

   "Maybe, separate her?"

   "No, I have a better idea! "said Steven, standing on my shoulder." We could take Amethyst, I don't think she could do anything to us.. "

   "Very well, take the amethyst! ordered White to one of the gems that was with us. The warrior gem, opened the cell and with difficulty managed to bring it Amethyst's gem to Yellow.

   She put her in a bubble, and we left for Yellow's observation room. I was very curious to see how is this room, but more curious I was to see what was happening to the gems.

   We went inside, and I noticed it wasn't what Steven expected. I think he thought it was going to be like all the other rooms with a table and a chair. It was indeed a table, but there were lufts of all sizes, through which you could see even the smallest detail of a gemstone.

   Yellow sat on the chair, put Amethyst's gem on the table, and pulled the first magnifying glass to her eye.

   "Hmmm, it looks good. It's exactly the centimeters it should have, the same for its shape. "
   She thought about it a little bit, then she took the biggest magnifying glass she had, which was half the size of her face. It was quiet for a few minutes, then Yellow looked up at White.

  " Um. White, should this gem have this stain? "

  White went at the speed of light near Yellow, pulled the magnifying glass towards her and looked at the gem. Then she looked worried at Steven.

   "What is it, white?" I approached to look at that gem. But mostly, let Steven see.

   When I put a magnifying glass on my eye, I was speechless..

   The gem, had a black stain on it.

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