Final Chapter: Wedding

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Azumi POV
The unnies and Minjun's dad already planned the wedding without letting us know. When we heard that we are getting married 2 weeks later, we were taken aback. The unnies said that they haven't bought dresses yet so we thought of buying them a week before the wedding even Jieun, Jia, Y/n and Yenjun bought dresses. I still can't believe that I am getting married today, yes it's today, omma and appa came, my Song mom and Song dad also came.

(Italic is them speaking in Japanese, Normal is them talking in Korean)

"Our daughter, your getting married already. I didn't even get to see you grow up" said omma while crying

"Omma, you shouldn't cry on my wedding" I said

"Zumi, what are you feeling now that you are getting married?" Jieun asked and Kwan is pretending to be a reporter

"I am both excited and nervous" I said

"You shouldn't be nervous, Minjun is gonna become your husband" said Jia

"Unnie, where is Minjun?" I asked "Minjun is in his room with Byeongsu"

"Kwan, shouldn't you be with Minjun?" Asked Y/n and Kwan left

After the wedding (Sorry don't know how weddings happen. I never been to one)

We are at the dinner party after the wedding, Momo unnie and Jeongyeon unnie planned the dinner party. Before starting the dinner party, the unnies said that I should toss the bouquet. All of the girls were behind me except for Yenjun and Y/n

"I will catch that bouquet" said Jia

"Go ahead but I will catch it first" said Jieun and was ready to catch. I tossed it and I turned around and saw that Mina unnie caught who was obviously surprised

"How did I get dragged here in the first place" said Mina unnie and gave it to Chaeyoung unnie

"I will marry you Minari" said Chaeyoung unnie

"Good luck with that bro" said Jeongyeon unnie and we all laughed

The End

Thank you for reading I Have Found You

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