Chapter 14: She is my little sister

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Momo POV
I got a call from Azumi's school and I didn't expect that they would call me. I then heard about Azumi getting bullied by those two girls. I was at our room when I got the call. I told the members that Azumi got bullied so now we are all heading to her school. Azumi called me and she said that we don't need to cover up because she wanted to reveal the world our secret. I also asked her if she was fine and I am relieved that she is okay.

"Excuse me but where is the principal's office?" I asked as soon as I went out of the van the other members were also going out of the van. I was waiting for them. The student that I asked was stunned because we are here but the student answered my question now while heading to the principal's office, everyone in the school is looking at us, some were gossiping asking what are we doing here. I knocked on the door and then I saw Azumi sitting infront of the principal with Jieun, Jia, Byeongsu, Kwan and Minjun. I also saw two more girls so I am guessing that it's Areum and Yenjun that they were talking about.

"Azumi, are you ok? Are you hurt?" I asked even though I asked her through the call earlier

"I am fine unnie" she replied

"What happened? Why did Azumi faint?" Jihyo asked scaringly at the principal

"Jihyo unnie, Chanmi slapped me and harrased me" said the girl, I saw her name tag and that's Areum. I looked at Azumi and she has this look like she is annoyed and pissed

"Your lying" Azumi shouted "I never lie. I am too innocent to be lying" she said and that made Azumi more annoyed

"Then if our Azumi here bullied you then why is she, the one with bruises and the one who fainted?" Said Dahyun. The girl Areum couldn't answer so she kept quiet

"We would like to settle this. I assume that Chanmi recorded this voice record. It sounds like Chanmi was telling the truth and Areum and her friends didn't want to speak of it" said Byeongsu

"If that is what happened we will have everyone who is with Lee Areum's assaults to students expelled" said the principal. We all agreed, just in time Lee Areum's mother arrived and asked what happened and refused about them getting expelled

"Yah! Seo Minjun, why would you take this girl's side? You should be siding Areum. She is your bestfriend" said Areum's mother

"Mrs. Lee, we are here despite our upcoming schedule and we are here to settle this problem. Your daughter bullied our maknae and that is not a good example. Whether you like it or not, you have to accept the fact that your daughter did something wrong and she needs to be punished for it" said Jihyo but the mother wasn't listening

"Look at this, you know how much I cost just to make you beautiful. Oh my, your cheek is so red" said her mother. We started to become a little annoyed with her but we had to be respectful

"It's decided that Areum and her friends are expelled and that's final" said the principal. We can finally leave, the other members and everyone left the office meanwhile I stayed to ask the principal something

"Sir, I know that their short vacation has recently passed but is it ok if Azumi will have a 1 week absent?" I asked

"Ms. Momo, we can do that only if her excuse is valid. What will Chanmi do for a week?"

"Her friends can give her homework, we will teach her until her 1 week absent. She has schedule to do and she can do her homework when she is home" I said and he agreed as long as Azumi does her homework. I left the office and I saw Azumi waiting for me

"Unnie, what happened? Was the talk with the principal ok?" She asked and I nodded

"You will be absent for a week but you will still do homework, Dahyun and Chaeyoung will teach you if you don't understand. We will be bringing you to our schedule for that week. Is that ok?" I said and nodded in reply

"Kim Chanmi had a sister who is Twice's Momo?"

"Then she must the girl in the fox mask in their vlive"

"Your right" "I'm jealous. She is surrounded by Twice members"

"I have to post this in my Instagram. Twice Momo came to our school to pick up her little sister from the principal's office" I heard that one student and that made me stop walking. Azumi was also stopped, we were thinking then Azumi spoke

"Sure, you can take as many pictures as you want. Post it and tell the world that Twice's Momo had a little sister" said Azumi and we started to make our way to the van again

"Your really ready to tell the world?" I asked "We can't keep this secret forever" she said and I smiled to her

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