Chapter 19: Lee Boa and Lee Areum

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Jieun POV
I watched Twice's showcase for Feel Special and I was surprised that they supported Chanmi despite the surprise sister thing. But I noticed that after their showcase, she became a little down and quiet. She has never been this quiet unless something happened.

"Jia, you know why Chanmi is a little down?" I asked Jia and she nodded

"Probably because of the showcase last night" she said

"What happened?" I asked "You didn't watch the showcase?" Jia asked and I shook my head

"I did watch it but my internet was so slow that I couldn't finish the showcase. My brother was watching YouTube and that took all the wifi" I said and she shook her head

"During the showcase, they let Chanmi go to the stage with her unnies. She introduced herself and told them that she is embarrassed because she is at the stage" said Jia but that didn't give a clue about Chanmi being down "And?" I asked so she continued

"One fan booed at Chanmi so she left the stage" said Jia and that literally stopped me from being curious and I shouted making all of the students near us look at me

"Jieun, your making me embarrassed" said Jia

"You two sure have the same traits" I said "Where is she by the way?" I asked while looking around

"She is with Minjun talking about her work" said Jia and I went to the rooftop. That's where Chanmi and Minjun always stay when they wanted time alone

"I knew I find you two here" I said and went closer

"We were just talking about work. I was telling Minjun about stopping"

"Your stoping on being an idol trainee" I was shocked

"Is it because of the showcase?" I asked but she said no

"I realized that if I do debut as an idol. I think people will see me differently. If I debut, they see me not as Hirai Azumi but as Hirai Momo's sister. I want to earn a title without the unnies. I perhaps can just do dance videos. Besides I am not a good singer. It's good that I am her sister but I want my own title as well" said Chanmi, hearing her words made me understand her more

"I get it. I too wanted to have my own title and not use my parents' title" I said then Jia showed up and sat beside us.

"But don't lose the opportunity to debut as an idol" I said

Momo POV
I have been thinking about what happened yesterday at the showcase. Lee Areum's older sister is the former JYP trainee, Lee Boa. Lee Boa hated me for being a good dancer and when it was announced that a survival show will happen. Lee Boa quitted right before Sixteen started. Now Lee Boa is back this time with her little sister who also hates my little sister. We were filming for Idol Room and even though I had fun filming, I was still distracted.

"Jihyo, do you remember Lee Boa?" I asked as soon as filming finished

"Yeah, I do" she replied "The girl that we talked to yesterday is Lee Boa" I said and Jihyo widened her eyes. She didn't recognize her for it's been so long.

"Those two has big grudges on you sisters" said Jihyo

"Don't you think that those two are planning big" I said

"Not matter what happens, we are here to fight with you two. We are family, your family is our family as well" said Jihyo. The other members went closer because we were talking alone

"Guys, we have to be together from now on. Lee Boa and Lee Areum are planning something and we have to be ready for it" said Jihyo then we did our chant

Minjun POV
Class has ended and I am waiting for Chanmi. We are going to the company building today since she is stopping in idol training. As a friend, I have to help her and since I also work there.

"Sorry if I'm late. Jia asked me to help her with our homework for today" she and I nodded. We were walking our way there. We didn't even wear any masks or hats

"Your not afraid that someone can take a picture of you with me thinking that I am your boyfriend?" I asked and she shook her head

"Nope and besides I am not afraid of telling them that your my future boyfriend" she said and I stopped walking

"Why, you don't like it?" She asked and I said no

"I would love too" I said and she smiled from ear to ear

"But you know we can date already. We are 18" we both said in unison

"Jinx" she said "Now you can't say anything until I say your name" she said and I became quiet

"You know Minjun" "I wish your sister says yes so that we can date already" I said and she looked at me thinking that she didn't call my name yet

"You just called my name without realizing" I said

"I also wish that we can date already" she said and clinged onto my arm then we started walking again

"Chanmi" I called her and she looked at me

"Azumi, Hirai Azumi" she stated her Japanese name and I am confused

"Call me by my real name" she said and called her Azumi now that she wants me too

At the JYP building
Still Minjun's POV

"Are you sure that you want to stop?" PD-nim asked and she nodded

"But can I still be under JYP?" She asked and he said yes

"I want to stop idol training. I will perform dances but only when there are events. I will stop training but I will continue training after graduating"

"Ok, if that's what you want. You can have your channel and you are still a trainee" said PD-nim and she thanked him

"Also, are you two dating?" PD-nim asked all of a sudden. We were flustered by his sudden question that we couldn't answer

"It's alright, your also human. I can't stop you whether your dating or not. Just be careful" said PD-nim and we sighed in relief

"Your unnies are in their practice room, if you want to go see them. You may go now" we left after thanking PD-nim.

"Azumi should we go to your unnies?" I asked and she nodded

"I can also ask them if I can date you" she said and I suddenly want to go home. I am honestly afraid of them when they are serious. I never seen them being all happy and cheerful yet. It's like they become serious when a boy is around her and I am scared.

"No, I don't want too" I said but she started to drag me around

"Zumi-yah!" I looked and saw the scariest unnies of hers

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