Chapter 28: Arrested

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Minjun POV (A skip to when they are in the court already)
I was there sitting beside our lawyer. I actually planned that if Momo noona wakes up. We will find a way to make them tell the truth. Momo noona said that she has a plan on her own. We started and our lawyer started the situation

"I have found a way to tell you that Lee Areum and Lee Boa were the one who tried to kill Hirai Azumi and Hirai Momo" said Mr. Jang and presented a video. It showed what had happened that day when they went missing. I was surprised, I think Momo noona had this video all along. Areum and Boa were surprised as well

"Objection! It's not true. They edited that video" said Areum's lawyer and Momo noona and Azumi went inside and Areum and Boa were more surprised

"I have filmed that video in my phone that day. I left my phone on a rock and let it record everything" said Momo noona

"Ms. Hirai, looks like your doing well. Since your here would you tell us what happened that day" said Mr. Jang, Areum tried to stop them but was stopped by the judge. Momo noona and Azumi told them what had happened and now Areum and Boa can't escape.

"I heard of their alibi now all we need is Ms. Lee's alibi"

"Lee Areum didn't shoot Hirai Azumi in the head but at the neck" said Areum's lawyer

"But how come she has a gunshot wound at her head. She is trying to hide it using her bangs" said Momo noona and now they don't have an excuse

"I declare that Lee Areum and Lee Boa, guilty" that's it. End of Areum and Boa, they will be sentenced for 5 years in jail for attempt in murder and kidnapping

"You will not get away with this Hirai Azumi" said Areum but I blocked Areum from touching noona and Azumi. We went out and waited for the van. We went here using Jihyo noona's car earlier and we are gonna go to their dorm so that they can finally go home. As soon as we sat down in the van and started moving, Azumi fell asleep. She then started to sleep talk. Twice noona, Tzuyu noona specifically told me that she sleep talks when she has nightmares.

"Zumzum, are you alright?" I asked concerned. Noona is also concerned

"Not the blindfold. No. No! UNNIE!" Zumzum woke up with tears falling from her eyes.

"It's ok, your okay. We are here. It's okay" I said and Noona gave her a hug

"I guess she had bad experience that day" said noona and I nodded. We arrived and I carried her on my back. She managed to go back to sleep, I brought her to their room.

"Noona, she had nightmares earlier when she was sleeping at the van" I told Tzuyu noona and she told me to let her sleep in her bed

"She usually sleeps in my bed when she has nightmares. I don't think I can let her sleep alone at the top bunk for a while" said Tzuyu noona

"Minjun, you should go home. I will bring her to school tomorrow" said Jihyo noona

"But is she ready to go to school tomorrow? She just woke up from a coma" I said

"If she wants too, I will tell her maybe when she wakes up. I will send you a message if she wont go to school tomorrow" said Jihyo noona then Sana noona went inside their room and took a look at Azumi

"We will take care of her. You can go home and rest" said Momo noona. I bowed to all of them, I kissed Azumi on the cheek before leaving.

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