Chapter 25: Accident

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Azumi POV
I cried and cried hoping that this didn't have to happen. This happened because of me.

"Quit your crying outcast" Hearing that voice made me realize. She removed the duct tape and blindfold.

"I thought we had an agreement?" I asked

"We fixed the problem but we didn't say that we will have peace" she said

"I will do anything, just let me and my unnie go" I said

"Sure, just make sure to run in 10 seconds" she said and untied me. She counted 1 to 10, I started running. I wanted to go my sister and free her but more guards came and I had no choice but to run. I managed to escape but only road was visible, no building and nothing but road. I then recieved a call, I answered while trying to look for a way to run.

Momo POV

"Looks like your sister managed to run" said Boa. I am very grateful that she managed to run

"But did you think my sister will let her run away that easily?" She said and I looked at her. She left to help her sister to catch Azumi. It was my time to escape, I remembered that Azumi gave me a utility knife earlier, I used it and managed to cut the ropes. I grabbed my phone and ran. I called Azumi to warn her about those two

Momo Azumi Boa

Azumi, are you outside? Did you managed to escape?

Unnie, I managed to run. I am here full of road

Call Jihyo, I will come to you wait for me

I am gonna call unnie, but you gotta hurry. They found me

Activate your location then call Jihyo, they will look for you location

I am gonna...

Zumi? Zumi! Azumi! Hirai Azumi can you hear me?

Hirai Momo, I know that you have escaped already and if you want your sister, get to this location or else you will see your sister lying in her own pool of blood

Call ended

I checked the location and ran there. I saw Azumi on one side of the road then Boa and Areum on the other. I left my phone on a rock recording everything. Looks like they spotted me and pointed their gun at Azumi and Azumi had her hands up. I couldn't do anything and I heard a gun shot, I ran to Azumi and she was shot in the head.

"AZUMI!" I shouted and came to her and caught her before she fell down. Boa and Areum ran away after realizing they shot Azumi. I stood up and tried to get her out of the middle of the road but a truck came and it didn't see us quickly since it was dark. Then everything went black

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