Someone else

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Tonys p.o.v

"be happy for him tony'' Rodney shut the door behind him happy for him? i am happy for him! why would he possibly think im not! i dont even know the kid that well *huff*

"i didnt even say anything!"

"YOU didnt need too i can already see it in your eyes tones you should be happy for him tones!" i glared at that 

"i AM happy for him im happy that he found the father figure he needed in his life and there is NOTHING to be jealous about what could i possibly jealous about im just glad that it isn't me who has to have their death on there conscious anymore" 


"dont ''tony'' me Rhodes there's nothing wrong okay?" i opened the door just a creek when he slammed it shut with his chin and leaned on it crossing his arms and pointing towards the bed

"ah ah ah your not leaving before we have this conversation"

"*huff* fine" i sat on the bed but i couldn't meet his eyes, i just..couldn't 

"*sigh* Rodney its not that im jealous okay? im just...i thought that-"

"you'd be the one to help guide him" i turned my head at that and i felt the urge to protest but i couldn't bring my self to it so he just nodded

"im happy hes happy but what im not happy about is that i dont know what the f*ck happened in the future to make him hate me so much and i just i cant help but think if he was related to it" because i don't want it to turn out the same in this timeline

"look, why dont you just plain and simple ask the kid?" i laughed at that ask? ask the kid?

"your joking right ha! you know the only time he ever talked to me was saying 'stay' to spare my feelings and calming me from a panic attack not to mention he doesn't even look me in the eye Rhodes! the furthest he's done was to my collar bone he f*cking broke my ribs! and slapped me when i said ill take care of his aunt thinking i meant it sexually!! he won't even dare speak to me, Rodney! its like he's deciding whether to runway or stay and my guess is that he has to stay because of the leg cuff!" at that Rodney froze

"the what?!" i straight out my jacket and looked fim in the eye face neutral

"leg cuff just incase he tries someth-"

"you f*cking kidding me right now? tell me your kidding'' I furrowed my eyebrows at that what does he expect me to do leave another steve on the loose?

"no why would I be-"

"ha you can  be the stupidest person on earth you know that?" he ran a hand through his hair and walked towards me 

"OF COURSE he wont look you in the eye tony to cuffed him! he's from the future! he didn't know what was going on"

"and that gives him the right to almost kill me in any timeline?"

"no! that's not what i was stating you heard the kid he thought you were an illusion! he doesn't know what's real from what's not real! and did you even bother to analyze his face tones??? there are bags under his eyes and i bet you half your cash that if you take of his shirt right now his ribs will be showing through his skin that-'' he pointe towards the door

"is a face of someone stored tones!! of course he won't look at you for all we know the "future" is shit! what if you got controlled b  a robot or something and tried to kill the kid? or if he ended up homeless on the streets and his aunt died? what if he was grieving his best friend? or if someone hacked into your drones and attacked him thinking its you? he doesn't just hate for no reason and its not logical for him to try to change something in the past since it won't even affect him he has no gain WE don't know anything tony! so of course he'll react like that! any normal person would react like that!" i gulped and looked away he does have a point he would hack into the tower to get an access card to fix the drones if there was an attack that may be one of the possibilities, but what about the daughter? why would he do me a favor if he blames me? then again he did have loopholes in his story he could have lied i rubbed my eyes and looked at my lap then back up and Rodney 

"this is not how I expected this morning to go"

"*scoff* you and me both"

'boss it seems that mr.parker is in the earliest stages of a stroke' i sat up at that 

''WHAT? what the f*ck do you mean Friday?'' i rushed across the hall to get to him 

'boss he hast slept in 14 weeks that's 98 days, or eaten a full healthy meal, in fact he's throwing it up right now'

but when i did all i saw was a broken leg cuff and an open window and a whole lot of barf right then right now all i could see was red

''friday suit''

'on it boss'

''tony go easy on him'' i scoffed at his words

"i did go easy on him and I did listen to your words 5 minutes without supervision 5 AND look where that got us"

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