I don't believe you (huge edit)

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peters p.o.v

i just stared frozen

"did you seriously just throw a tissue paper at my nose? is that your master plan ot get out of here?*chuckle*" for a split second for one second i actually thought he was real the real caring mr.stark then i remembered his hollow eyes his dead eyes then i put on a dark look whoever the hell this is what ever mask this guy is pulling up or this-this clone whatever he think he's doing hes going down

"what the hell do you want with me" he looked at me with shock

"*scoff* what is this first you believe im not real the next second your asking what i want with you? well i want the card!" i looked at him for a second then moved my head if this is not beck who the hell are they?

"who are you??" 

"what the hell are you talking about!" i sucked in a breath and looked the other way and scoffed i should have known id be kidnapped since the identity reveal

"you know i actually knew i was going to be kidnapped but i really didnt think it would be this soon...with a dead mans face...in an interrogation table claiming to be the real tony stark" he raised his eyebrows to is hairline then scoffed

''pete-" i rolled my eyes at the name god it sounds so like him 

"didnt i tell you that no-body calls me that-"

"-except your dad i know i know right" he looked down at the table then up at me again sceptically

"okay then tell me what is it you think this whole thing is?" i squinted my eyes at hm

"well i think actually that this has to do with something related to spider-man and you either want to torture me for answers or you want to crumble my mental health"

"ah huh" he smiled then turned to me 

tonys p.o.v

is he seriously trying to convince me that im not real did he seriously run out of options? to be that desperate i chuckled at the idea alright ill messing around with this one if he wants to play this game who am i too stop it?

"alright say your right say that im here to torture you for answers'' he didnt even stiffen he didnt even move he looked like he wasn't even surprised but whos to say he will be? he's making up this lie anyways *scoff* i thought about the first question and decided to test a theory

"whats tony starks favorite color?"  he shrugged oh like he doesn't know 

"come on say it whats his favourite colour?" he looked up at me determination refusing to die down 

"you really think that id tell you?"

"well yes i do im your torturer here to torture the answers out of you" he stiffened for a second before he relaxed

"your knew to this whole torture gig?" i thought about Afghanistan for a second before i answered 

"uh..no" he scoffed then banged his table once more at the table before he whispered

"why did you choose his face?'' i looked at him confused

"what do you mean?" when he looked up i could see he was trying so hard not to drop the tears in his eyes

"why did you choose tonys face? out of all the people why choose him?" i chuckled at his way if it weren't for the tears he could have fooled me fro how believable he thinks this is

''well he's the best"  he hummed as an answer then turned 

"your not answering tho what is tony starks favourite color?"

"why would i answer that?"

"its a simple question" i arched my eyebrows at him he knows specifically what is my favorite color its pretty obvious 

"does it make a difference?" does he really not want to tell me my own favourite color? is he really going to still to this game is he serious?

"its just a color peter" i squinted my eyes and leaned forward but he leaned back

"i know doesn't mean ill say it" i scoffed 

"do you really think pretending to be loyal to me will get you out of here? oh for christ sake kid!"

peters p.o.v 

"are you still trying to act like tony?" if glares could kill i swear id be dead by now i looked down and saw all the proof i needed i was chained to the chair, a move that tony would never in his dreams do i dont know weather i felt relief or just immense sadness at the fact i looked back upat the kidnapper and smiled an evil smile then leaned back in my chair well if im going to be here a while then i better cluster him a bit but when he saw my smile his expiration dropped then groaned 

"this is going to be a long day"

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