"I just don't get why someone would do this to our daughter."

"Calm down honey whoever did this will pay the consequences, but we have to let her take her time to rest."

I try to pry my eyes open but they felt like they were glued shut. My body felt extremely warm and I wanted nothing more than to just dip myself in ice water.

My attempts at moving my arm fails as it felt like it was bolted to my side.

"Oh my god Freya are you awake? Freya honey it's all gonna be alright Mom and Dad are right here beside you. If you can hear my voice please give me a sign."

A sign? I try my best to open my eyes but this time it actually worked except I had to quickly shut them back to close as the light blinded me.

"Greg, oh Greg she's awake. Honey thank god you're awake."

I opened my mouth to say something but nothing came out.

"Greg hurry and get her some water." My mother ushered my dad as she held onto my hand, her eyes were al. red and puffy an evidence of her crying.

"Here you go sweetie take as much time as you want."

Dad held the cup towards my face and I eagerly drank all the contents of it.

"Wh—what ha—ppened?" My throat hurt as I ushered the words out of my mouth.

"You were locked up your school rooftop honey the fire alarm went off and you were about to be stuck in there but thankfully Luca saved you, I knew he was nice man once I saw him, we really should thank him for saving you. We will be in talks with your school about this, and don't give me that look nothing you say will change my mind." I look over to my dad for help but he just shook his head.

"I'm in this with your mother sweetie, someone did this to you on purpose and that will not be tolerated especially after all the donations I've made to that school."

Luca saved me? How did he even know to look for me there?

I could tell that there was no way out of this so I gave up and tried to move but I saw that my right arm was in cast.

"You'll have to keep this on for 2 months since you've fractured your arm pretty bad with that fall." A doctor who I just noticed was there notified me and also let me know of all the other injuries I've attained.

"If it wasn't for Luca Santiago's fast reaction then it would've been much worse, you were only minutes away from a heat stroke but you manage to get away with heat exhaustion, nonetheless you'll have to make sure to drink plenty of water and to moisturize and apply sunscreen to your skin everyday until your skin calms down, you have to limit your exposure to the sun until your skin gets a little better, make sure to bathe with at most lukewarm water nothing hotter than that. You may experience slight irritation in your throat and coughing and that's due to the low concentration ammonia you unfortunately inhaled, bed rest is very much recommended."

I looked down at my skin and noticed how red it was, that's why I'm so warm.

"Thank you doctor, I'll make sure to keep all of that in mind." My mother stated she said with a shaky voice trying not to cry from all the things the doctor listed.

"No problem Mr. and Mrs. Livingston anything for the chairman's daughter. I've notified the pharmacy of your daughters prescriptions I'll have your secretary deliver it at your house."

"Thanks for all the help Dr.Jones expect high praises during the next board meeting."

Dr.Jones left with his head held high probably expecting a raise.

"Freya,dear your mom and I are just gonna take care of your release forms we'll send a nurse in to help you get ready." Both of them gave me a kiss on my forehead before going out. It was probably just an excuse so that I don't see my mother crying.

Only a couple of seconds passed and a nurse came in.

"Hello, Ms.Livingston I'll be of your assistance today." She had her head bowed and didn't even dare look at me.

"Please just call me Freya." I never did like how formal people thought they needed to be around me. My dad owns the company not me.

She looked up at the sound of my name looking like she was trying to figure something out and I couldn't help but notice her blue eyes, they seemed so familiar. She then showed a faint smile which I took as a simple kind gesture.

"Okay then Freya I'm just gonna help you out of your hospital gown."

I was still feeling very sensitive and fragile but she carefully helped me out of the bed and out of the gown.

I had no choice but to wear a dress since the doctor also recommended that I wear loose fitting clothes as to not irritate my skin any further.

The nurse applied sunscreen all over my skin being very careful as if I was made out of fine china.

"Ok Freya you're all set your parents just told me to lead you to the lobby." She held out her hand for me and I warily held it in my own.

I was still a little weak from being on bed rest for who knows how long so she helped guide me through the hospital.

We were at the very top floor of the hospital since that's where all the vip rooms are, it felt more like a hotel than a hospital to be honest.

We both stood there in silence waiting for the elevator to stop and it weirdly felt comfortable holding onto this strangers hand.

The elevator doors opened and we were met by the bustling lobby. As soon as I got out of the elevator two men dressed in black showed up by my side, I instantly recognized them as my dads bodyguards.

One of them held an umbrella shielding me from the sun even though we were still inside and the other one carried my stuff.

I looked around the lobby and saw everyone staring at us, I mean who wouldn't be, there were these two giant men by my side and I looked like a crab.

I subconsciously held onto the nurses hand tighter and she just looked at me with a comforting smile, which did help ease my anxiousness.




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