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THE SOUND OF my heels clattering on the marble floor echoed all over the lobby

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THE SOUND OF my heels clattering on the marble floor echoed all over the lobby. Clad in a white square-neck fitted floral dress, coat flying behind me, and left hand clutching my handbag, I strutted my way towards the elevator. The sight in front of me was darkened by the Chanel sunglasses I picked out earlier.

I worked in 50 storey building--okay confession time. My family actually owned this building, Sol Industries. Mother always dreamt of owning her own fashion magazine, I grew up learning to love the same thing. She claimed that this was her gift for my fifth birthday. Hence, the magazine Solarys. As much as I didn't like the idea of landing a job here effortlessly, it would've been weird to not work at my family company. Now I worked as an editor, slowly climbing my way up as the editor-in-chief, which was the first offer my mother wanted to give to me except I didn't want to take it.

I passed the front desk and the receptionist abruptly stood up from her seat and greeted me cheerfully with a smile, "Good Morning Ms. Herrera! Have a great day!" I returned the smile and muttered a small 'morning' back.

A few minutes later, I was out the elevator and on the 40th floor. The floor was full of chattering and phones ringing here and there. Eventually, my appearance lessened the noise.

Irene, who was previously on her desk, now stood in front of me and handed me the usual latté I've always asked for.

Her eyes scanned me up and down, "Why do you have sunglasses on?" Irene asked. "It's clashing with your outfit."

I took a sip on my latté and took the glasses off, giving her a view of my down-to-earth eyebags.

It's eight o'clock in the morning and I went to bed at one o'clock trying to get a hold of Caly's sudden disappearance. According to her other friends, they haven't seen her for a week. It was like she suddenly ghosted us.

"Oh God put it back on." Irene gasped. "What happened to you?"

"Calypso happened. Any news about her?" Before she could even answer, she was interrupted

"Solarys! Would you prefer this one or this one?" He raised up two layout designs who almost looked the same. I pointed the one I preferred the most and he responded with a 'Thank You' before going back to his work.

As soon as he left, Irene took the chance to answer my question. "Sadly, still nothing. According to her assistant, she took a leave last week. I also tried visiting her home but no one was answering."

Three weeks ago, we celebrated her birthday. She seemed fine, or so I thought. I remember calling her in the morning after that night and she was giddy and energetic as usual. Caly even bragged about how she saw a hickey on the guy's ass she slept with. Two weeks ago, she started looking distraught. As if her soul left her body.

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