The Player's of Love! Part Two

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The Player's of Love!

Part Two

Saturday, November 13, 2010






I watched as she walked away from me. What the hell was that suppose to mean. I was not ready for this to be over just yet. I have to find out what the hell she is talking about. And what kind of clients was she getting? I watched as she went out a side door. I quickly went over and walked out of the stuffy ball room. She was no where in sight. The kitchen doors where only a few feet away. Maybe she went in there. I walk to them but just as I am about to open them a young man comes out of them.

"Can I help you sir?"

"I am looking for a woman in a red dress. I think she might have went in there."

"No one is allowed in here but the staff sir."

"Oh. Well did you see a woman in a red dress come by?"

"No sir I was inside the kitchen a moment ago and did not see her at all."

"Thank you."

I turned and went back inside the ballroom. Where the hell did she go? I will have to hang around for awhile so I can talk to her again.

I walked around and after awhile I saw her. She was talking to another group of men. What the hell was going on? Did she sell her body? I cant let her do that. I walked up behind her and waited until the men left again. Didn't take long they were done with what they were talking about anyway. But she did give them her card again and they walked away with smile on there faces.

"Rebecca?" She turned to look at me.

"What Kyle?"

"What are you doing? Are you an escort?"

"No Kyle I am not. Not like it is any of your concern."

"But I would like to know what you are doing here?"

"I am working. That's what I am doing."

"But what do you do?" I asked getting mad at her for not answering me.

"None of your business Kyle. Now go away." She turned to walk away again. But I was not going to let that happen again. I grabbed her hand and pulled her out of the ballroom by another door. I hurried down a hallway and ducked into a little room and closed and locked the door.

"I want an answer Rebecca. Why are you here?"

"I told you I AM WORKING! No let me go." She yanked her arm and I let her pull free.

"Why do you want to do this to me? After all these years. You find me and then you have to harass me about my job. How would you feel if I did that to you?"

"You called me all the damn time and then just once a year. What is with that."

"Look that is over and done with. I gave you and him all the chances in the world to show up and you never did. You no longer have the power to hurt me any more. I finally give up." She pushed me out of the way. But I was not going to let her go that way. So just like I had done to her in the past I shoved her against the door and kissed her. She fought for a few moments and then she kissed me back. I pressed my self against her so she could feel how hard I was for her. She hand her hands in my hair. I spread her legs so that I was now in the v of her thighs. I pulled up her dress so I could find her heat. And I rubbed my fingers across her wetness. She moaned into my mouth. God she felt so good. I left her mouth and pulled down the top of her dress her nipples made hard little points. I bent over to pay them respect by kissing and licking them. She wanted my bad and I was going to give her just what she wanted. I reached down to undo my pants. That's when I heard people behind us in the hallway laughing. Rebecca froze in my arms and then shoved me away from her.

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