Chapter Nine

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The Player’s of Love

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Chapter Nine




I walked with Kaylee down the hallway. A doctor looked up at me and to the room that I walked out of.

“Excuse me sir. Are you related to Rebecca Jenkins?”

“No. But I am the Father of her our child Kaylee.”

“Oh I am sorry for what has happened to her and your daughter. But we don’t let people that are not related to the patient to visit.”

“Our daughter wanted to see her. So I brought her here.” I was kind of getting pissed but I understood the why of it. “ Do you want me to just drop my daughter off and hang out in the waiting room?”

“No that’s not what I am saying. If you could just put your name on her list of visitors that would be helpful. She does not have a lot of people to come and see her.”

“I understand. Mr. and Mrs. Johnson and Rebecca’s brother are her only visitors I believe.”

“Yes how did you know that?”

“I am close friends with the Johnson’s. I never really met her brother. But I do know that he works for her part time.”

“Yes he does came to visit her when he is not in school.”

“I want to ask a question and I hope that you can answer it for me or tell me who can.”

“Go on.”

“Does Rebecca have Medical Insurance? And is it enough to cover this?”

“She does have some Insurance and the car Insurance also. But with her not waking up any time soon I don’t know what will happen after that. Her brother or if her father could take over the Medical bills after hers were no longer available she could stay. But at the moment we are at a standstill.”

“Does she have brain activity?”

“She is not brain damaged. But the longer she stays in a coma the longer it will be to see her up and walking again. I’m sure her and your friends have told you about it?”

“Yes and no. They said the car crushed her legs and she hit her head pretty hard. But I have no real idea.”

“Well that part is true. She was also pinned in by her shoulder with a branch. She lost a lot of blood. From what Kaylee said when she first arrived here. Her mother was awake after the accident. But I find it hard to believe.”


“Well with all of the blood loss and then hitting her head on the window it should have knocked her out right away. But your daughter said she talked to her.”


“If she was awake right after the accident. Why is she not wanting to wake up know?”

“What do you mean?”

“Well I understand her passing out from the pain, blood loss and even shock of it all. But its like she has no motive or will to live it seems. I don’t understand your and Rebecca’s life. I don’t know either of you. But I hope that with you here it might help her.”

“Me and Rebecca have a past and just now have come back into contact. I only found out about my daughter recently. But I hope that I can be here to help in any way I can. I would also like to pay for her Medical bills and anything else that needs to be taken care of too.”

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