Chapter 18

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She wakes up feeling raw and sore, Leo is hugging her tightly. She couldn't believe Leo can be that rough it was the first time it happen.

She don't know how to judge what happen, but deep inside she knows that Leo will never hurt her intentionally. Hopefully she's right because she already love him.

"I love you", she whisper to him.

Leo open his eyes and caught her staring at him.

"I love you too Camilla", he said filled with emotion.

"Are you scared of me?" he asked.

"No", she replied.

"I know you will never hurt me intentionally", she continued.

"I'm not a good man my love but I'm trying to change because of you." he said sincerely.

"I have something to tell you."

"What is it?"

"Were not married", he said.

"What do you mean, were not married. I don't understand", she said feeling so confuse.

"The marriage contract that your father gave me with you sign, I didn't sign it."

"What...! You lied to me you let me believe that were married! Why?" she said moving away from him.

All along he is laying to him, they are not married she's a free woman. Why did he lied to her. Did everything is all just a lie. Why everyone keep laying on her, what did she ever do to deserve all their lies.

"I didn't lied to you, I never said were married", he said while moving towards her.

"I see, no wonder you never introduce me as your wife because I never am your wife." she said looking at him with hurt expression.

So its true, he really lied. Is he just using her, but why her of all women out there why her.

He reach at her but she only move further away from him.

"Don't move away from me Camilla, I don't like it!" he said with a dangerous expression.

She's not afraid of him but she didn't know what to think anymore. What if he lied about her mother. What if he really tell his men to killed her mother.

"Or what your going to force me again", she shout.

"I didn't force you,I just take whats mine!" he said in angry tone.

"Oh really! Now I'm yours! News flash Leo I don't belong you. You kidnapped me from my house as if I'm some kind of object to pay my fathers debt." she said.

"Don't say that Camilla I'm warning you, your mine", he said low voice.

"You killed my mother, you stole me from my life and dreams, you make me fall in love with you. What more do you want from me!" she said, as her tears started to run on her face.

"I didn't killed your mother, I don't stole anything from you. And I love you, why are you being unreasonable", he said looking so stress and sit on the bed.

"Me! Unresonable? I'm just telling the truth. Your the one who lied to me", she said and walks towards the door.

"No my love! Come here, please..", he begged looking like a defeated man.

She stare at him, he can stop her any minute because he's so much stronger than her.

He reach his hand to her. She love him yes and he love her too then why did she making this difficult.

Because he lied to me, what if he lied to me again. What if he doesn't really love me and just playing with me. But I have no where to go and I really love him, so I walk towards him.

He smile looking so relieve, but she feel dizzy all of a sudden and before she can come to him she fall.

"Camilla.............." he shout.

He called carry Camilla back to the bed put her clothes and called his friend Doctor.

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