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Douze: What's left unsaid, says it all

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Douze: What's left unsaid, says it all.

Forested trail | Forks, Washington

Crunching of leaves was the only thing that could be heard as the three teenagers traipsed through the vast forest, in search of a meadow. A meadow that none of them had been to, or so they thought. One of them had been there before, he loved it there, yet he could not remember.

All Sekhani knew was that the meadow he painted the day before was somewhere in Forks and he intended to find it no matter how long it takes.

"My feet hurt." The green-eyed girl, Bella, who was holding Sekhani's hand whined to her two friends.

Phoebe huffed in agreement because they had been walking for what felt like hours but had probably only been about fifteen minutes.

"We're almost there." He didn't know how he knew but his feet carried him as if they remembered where to go and he'd never been more grateful.

The rest of the journey was filled with Bella's complaints of being too unfit for all the walking they were doing and Phoebe's quiet humming.

Sekhani's breath hitched as they stepped through the treeline and into what he assumed was the meadow from his painting. Though the meadow in his painting was covered in lush green grass and violet, white, blue and yellow Salvia flowers, he knew this was it.

The meadow that they stood in was now covered in brown, all the flowers dead and the grass wilted due to the seasons that had just passed.

He couldn't help but feel like his recent feelings were depicted perfectly by the meadow. The meadow he painted was vibrant, bright with life. Much like he assumes his life was before the accident. Now, he always worried about what he didn't know and wondered what was wrong with his brain. His life had been dulled to a dark brown, all signs of color drained away with every memory that had been repressed.

He spun around slowly and he could perfectly picture his painting and what the meadow had looked like previously. Then he sank to the ground and fisted a handful of grass, his eyes burning with tears for a reason that he didn't fully understand. 

In His Pain [2] 》Twilight (EDITING) ✓Where stories live. Discover now