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Onze: Throw me to the wolves

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Onze: Throw me to the wolves

Sam & Emily's House | La Push

"That's a lot of food." Sekhani stared wide eyed at the spread of food before him.

"You know how the guys are. They'll probably inhale all of this within a few minutes." Emily snorts as she placed the last plate on the table.

Sekhani giggled into his palm because he knew it was true. The boys seemed like a never ending black hole when it came to food. He has no idea how Emily manages to keep them fed.

His mind drifted to his conversation with Phoebe earlier and he grinned. While they were in the middle of their conversation, the memories of Phoebe hit him one after the next until he could remember everything he deemed important.

But it didn't matter how many things he remembered because he knows that there's something important that he's forgetting and everyone is keeping it a secret from him. They're doing a terrible job of hiding it. They whisper to each other in low voices and go quiet when he enters the room. Sometimes he just wants to shake them by the shoulders and demand that they tell him what they're hiding. But his inner shyness would never allow him.

Bella had spoken to him about that, his anxiety. Since he had woken up from his mini coma, there had been no sign of him ever even having anxiety. Which brought on the question of,"Can a condition that you have be dormant simply because you forgot you had it?"

It was obvious to everyone around him that Sekhani was being different. He had more to say and he said it with confidence and vigour. It's as if his anxiety never existed.


Sekhani shook away his thoughts and smiled down at the tanned woman.

"Are you alright? You spaced out." Emily pressed her hand to his forehead, checking for a high temperature or any sign that something could be wrong.

Sekhani's smile only broadened and he pulled her in his arms for a hug.

Since Sam had brought him here, Emily instantly took a liking to him and claimed him as the son she never had. She probably cared for his well-being more than she did her own.

"I'm fine, Em. I promise." He rubbed circles on her back, trying to ease her worries. The night terror that he had days ago seemed to be plaguing her and her worry levels have been through the roof.

"Should I be concerned that you're hugging Sam's wife? Are you a homewrecker now?" A deep voice called from behind them.

Sekhani pulled away while rolling his eyes and spun around to face the culprit. "Hello Paul."

In His Pain [2] 》Twilight (EDITING) ✓Where stories live. Discover now