Voice Within

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In a four wall room

filled with voices

one that I can recognize,

My own

You can't do it, You are nothing,

Unlovable, Unattractive

No one cared, the voice speaks

like a wind whisper to my ear

Your friends, are they true to you?

Boyfriend, is he faithful?

Family, are they proud of you?

Is there someone whom you can trust?

Everyone spit lies and betrays you,

They said, I'll never leave you,

and you believe them

Now, where are they?

You let them hurt you,

You let them crush you in million pieces,

You let them mock you, stomp on you

You let them abuse you

And It's all your fault.

Loneliness eats you

Tears are running down

Just like your faith and trust

Exhausted and tired

Giving up is just around the corner

No one will save you,

words echoed

and echoed

It wouldn't stop.

You wanted to end it

These pain,



Dissatisfaction, All of it

knife will end it, 

my own voice whispered.



Right there, 

End it now, 


The voice scream.

Then a cold wind embrace me,

and a voice whisper

One that I can't recognize.


My child, I will always be here

Even if everyone leaves you.

I will and always be here.

A sweet kiss on my forehead

wakes me up

from the darkest slumber of my life.

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