Gone too soon

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Gone, left
Words refused to comprehend

Things expected but not this soon
Things we tried to keep holding on
But always slipped off

Some says, it's for the best
That you let go of our hands,
That leaving makes the pain lesser
But it wasn't easy to accept

Weren't prepared,
Coz we don't want this to end that way.
Never be ready,
Coz it hurts more than what we think of

You had your shortcomings,
Wrong decisions in life,
And Bad habits that can't break
But it doesn't make you a less of a man

You are the greatest man
I've ever met
And No one can be compared of

You never cry in front of me
You never tell us how hard your life is
You never tell us something that makes you weak

And That's what made you strong
You had been scarred in every hardships
You had been injured in every storm
You feel the pain thousand times
But you still keep standing,
Constant and faithful,
Enduring whatever life keeps on throwing

That makes me feel blessed
That you are my father
Proud is an underestimated
Grateful is underrated

You are more of this
And You deserve more than enough

There are words I should have said
But can no longer make it

I'm sorry, for not being a good daughter that I should be

Thank you, for raising me with all your strength,
For giving us the best that you can have

I love you,

And I miss you.

When the time has come
That both of us will meet

I surely run to you
With wide open arms
And smile on my lips

And I will make sure to say
At the top of my lungs

I love you, Papa

As I always will.

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